[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210610/daea1c8dff011bb950848719c285f1dd.png[/img] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210610/2c0b8a5575269bba7ba98da46acedf54.png[/img][/center] [center][i]Years have passed since the fall of Darth Sidious, the fractured Empire and the New Republics war continued to rage across the Galaxy until the Battle of Jakku where the Empire was finally defeated and most of the remaining holdouts surrendered to the new galactic power. As the galaxy stabilized with the New Republic becoming the dominant power in the Galaxy. The JEDI ORDER, lead by the famous LUKE SKYWALKER travels across the galaxy, fulfilling their purpose of old. Helping to bring peace to troubled systems, as LEIA ORGANA works to assist them with her GALACTIC ALLIANCE RANGERS and her diplomatic contacts. Despite the peace that exists across the Galaxy, something stirs in the shadow. A threat unlike any that the Galaxy has seen in thousands of years.[/i] [hr] Welcome to Rise of Crusade! A Star Wars AU Roleplay set within the time period of the sequels. The Galaxy is in a relative period of peace, the New Republic is the Galactic Superpower with several other small groups seeing their chance and growing in the void of the long lost Empire. Aging heroes stepping aside to let the next generation rise and take their steps into a galaxy of their own making, but something sinister is growing in the edges of the Galaxy. We will be using a mix of EU and Disney Canon, this is mainly so that there will be familiar elements for players rather than doing something wholly unique, it also means that we have the capability to just look things we may need up on the Wikia. So step up, step forth and take your space and make your mark. My aim is to create a truly immersive Star Wars story. There's going to be some freedom/sandbox elements however I will also be pushing forward a central plot, as an untold evil casts its shadow over the Stars (Something OC, it's not the Yuuzhan Vong or Palpatine). From the lowliest smuggler, to the mightiest Jedi everyone has a place in this story. [/center] [hider=Adjusted Timeline] [b] [color=orange]>5ABY[/color][/b] - [i]Battle of Endor as Emperor Palpatine and Darth Vader are defeated.[/i] [b]>5ABY[/b] - [i]Operation Cinder takes place, devastating the Galaxy.[/i] [b]>6ABY[/b] - [i]Luke Skywalker founds his Jedi Praxeum on Yavin, surrounding a sapling from the Great Tree.[/i] [b]>6ABY [/b]- [i]Mon Mothma is voted in as the first Chancellor to the New Republic. The senate is founded on Chandrila[/i] [b]>6ABY [/b]- [i]The New Separatist Union forms from parts of the Rebel Alliance, border friction occurs between the New Republic and the Separatist Union.[/i] [b]>6ABY[/b] - [i]Han Solo and Leia are married, having a soon nine months later called Jacen.[/i] [b]>7ABY[/b] - [i]Battle of Jakku occurs, some Imperials manage to flee but it is an overwhelming victory for the New Republic. Galactic Concordance is signed officially ending hostilities between the Empire and New Republic.[/i] [b]>7ABY[/b] - [i]New Republic sends forces to Coruscant, now surrendered to clear up any Imperial Holdouts.[/i] [b]>9ABY[/b] - [i]Events of the Mandalorian Happen.[/i] [b]>10ABY[/b] - [i]Liberation of Mandalore from Imperial Warlord who still held onto the system.[/i] [b]>11ABY[/b] - [i]Leia Organa Solo becomes chancellor of the New Republic.[/i] [b]>12ABY[/b] - [i]Children of several important 'Rebel' leaders are kidnapped. Luke and the Jedi Order recover the kids but discover that some Imperial elements are still active in the unknown regions.[/i] [b]>16ABY[/b] - [i]Leia loses re-election to Borsk Fey'la. Founds the New Republic Rangers, elite individuals too assist the Jedi on their missions.[/i] [b]>17ABY[/b] - [i]Chewbacca becomes Chieftain on Kashyyk, going his separate ways to Han Solo.[/i] [b]>19ABY[/b] - [i]As tensions mount between the Seperatist Union and New Republic Luke refuses to dispatch Jedi into the conflict, stating they are peacekeepers and that he won't follow histories mistake. Electing to make them neutral in conflict.[/i] [b]>20ABY[/b] - [i]Imperial Warlord Daala emerges from the Maw, a weapon testing facility run by Grand Moff Tarkin, she manages to devastate the core of the Separatist Union framing the New Republic in the process.[/i] [b]>21ABY[/b] - [i]Daala is defeated by a joint Jedi/New Republic Task Force.[/i] [b]>22ABY [/b]- [i]Galactic Alliance is formed between the New Republic, Separatist Union and several smaller states. Encouraging trade as well as the ability to work on a joint defense.[/i] [b]>25ABY [/b]- [i]Divisions grow between the Centrists and Populists in the New Republic Senate, with the Centrists wanting a style of governing more similar to the Old Republic/Early Empire. As a terror attack takes place in the senate on Coruscant, Leia runs for Chancellor once again.[/i] [b]>26ABY[/b] - [i]It is revealed that Darth Vader is Anakin Skywalker, father to Luke Skywalker and Leia Organa Solo.[/i] [b]>26ABY[/b] - [i]As a result of her revealed parentage Leia steps down from the election, focusing instead on her Galactic Alliance Ranger program. With pressure from the Alliance Luke reforms the Jedi Council, so that he isn't in sole control of the Jedi Order.[/i] [b]>28ABY[/b] - [i]Several former Imperial Holdouts on the edges of the Outer Rim secede from the New Republic. Forming the First Order.[/i] [b]>29ABY[/b] - [i]Renowned Archaeologist Tyrell Lanstead goes missing with his Jedi Escort.[/i] [b]>30ABY[/b] - [i]Roleplay starts.[/i] [/hider] [hr] [b]FACTIONS:[/b] [hider=New Republic] [center][img]https://www.vectorkhazana.com/assets/images/products/star_wars_new_republic_symbo.jpg[/img][/center] With the death of Emperor Palpatine at the Battle of Endor in 4 ABY, the Alliance to Restore the Republic was reorganized into the New Republic, which was officially founded a year later. Modeled on the principles of its predecessor, the New Republic strove to dismantle Palpatine's New Order by restoring democracy after an era of Imperial rule. After the Battle of Jakku, the Republic accepted the Empire's formal surrender in 5 ABY, resulting in the Galactic Concordance peace treaty that ended the civil war in the same year. The New Republic Defense Force was significantly reduced, serving as a peacekeeping force while individual member worlds raised their own planetary defense forces. The Republic was only a fraction of the size of its predecessors, and therefore, relied on egalitarian policies to remain on friendly terms with neutral star systems. The New Republic originally had some issues with the New Separatist Union and the New Confederacy of Corporate Systems. Nataasi Daala played on these issues, framing the New Republic for the attacks. Eventually, with the help of Lukes Jedi order and Leias Rangers the truth was revealed. The New Republic became a founding member of the Galactic Alliance. While other factions certainly have power, the New Republic holds the most space, including the most political and economic power.[/hider] [hider=Jedi Order] [center][img]https://cdna.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/024/798/000/medium/micah-brown-jedi-temple-concept-art-2.jpg?1583570944[/img][/center] Lukes order was founded on Yavin as he formed a Jedi Temple, people from all over the Galaxy came forth in order to train with the hero of the New Republic. Not everyone had honourable intentions, there were several assassination attempts however Luke always thwarted them. The Jedi continued to grow, as he successfully trained students he then gave them permission to teach. The major difference to the Jedi Order of old was that Luke more or less allowed the Jedi out into the Galaxy. Believing that should they allow the Force to guide them they would do what needed to be done. After the crisis between Daala, the New Republic and the Separatists Luke decided that he needed to take more direct control over the day-to-day operations carried out by the Jedi now numbering over a hundred across the galaxy. Realizing that very easily they could have become entangled in the war orchestrated by Daala to destabilize the Republic. Going forth he stayed solely on the new Jedi Temple on Ahch-To while various Jedi Knights and masters spread throughout the Galaxy, working closely with the Galactic Alliance Rangers managed by his sister, Leia. As the truth about his father was revealed to the Galaxy at large, Luke succumb to political pressure from outwith the order and refounded the Jedi Council from the strongest and wisest among the order. Now all the most important decisions from the order had to be held to a vote. [hider=Jedi Specialisation] In the time of the Old Republic there were thousands of Jedi and hundreds of different disciplines. Though with such diminished numbers the Jedi need a bit more flexibility within its numbers in order to fulfill the variety of roles that are required of them. As such they merely work in three disciplines. [b]Jedi Consular:[/b] A Consular focuses on dedication and mastery of their Force abilities. They favour using the Force to resolve problems rather than the use of their lightsaber. [b]Jedi Guardian:[/b] Jedi Guardians focus on the physical aspect of being a Jedi. Lightsaber Control, fighting styles, investigations, blaster work, being a pilot. [b]Jedi Sentinel:[/b] Sentinels balance it out. They don't focus too much on either discipline and instead work to ensure that they can do a bit of both. Due to the requirements of the Order, most Jedi currently fit this bracket. [/hider] [hider=Differences to the Order] The main difference to the Jedi Order in these times is that members can join the order at any age, so long as they show the aptitude and have the ability to wield the Force. Any potential recruit is thoroughly vetted before whatever members of the council happen to be on Ahch-To at the time (there are always at least three) decide whether or not to allow them into the order. Potential recruits are allowed to join even if they have families, however, they need to acknowledge that their duty to the Jedi is a lifelong commitment. Since the formation of the Galactic Alliance, the Jedi Council has cleared the way to allow the Jedi recognition and the ability to work throughout most of the known Galaxy. [/hider] [hider=Council Members] [b][url=https://i.pinimg.com/564x/f4/2a/c7/f42ac7cc55ffbd01fa48d8fb6c1ffcca.jpg]Luke Skywalker:[/url][/b] Luke is the son of Anakin Skywalker and was the first Jedi trained by a Jedi Master in a generation. He spent his first couple of years after the battle of Endor learning everything he could about the Jedi until he started to train the next generation bringing the order back. For years he didn't reform the council, instead, he felt that he himself could guide the Jedi to where they needed to be. Trusting their judgment to allow the Force to guide the individual. It wasn't until the fact that his father was [i]Darth Vader[/i] became public knowledge that political pressure resulted in the creation of the Jedi Council, to which Luke was obviously given a seat. [b][url=https://i.pinimg.com/originals/de/cc/76/decc7664a8d8cf7e5b7a09025c2aff03.jpg]Clighal:[/url][/b] Clighal is a Mon Cal and one of Lukes first students. She focused her attention on the lost ability to heal with the Force and is regarded as the Jedi Orders foremost expert on healing abilities. Before she had become a Jedi she had been a doctor, a profession she has honed and perfected since becoming a Jedi. She typically never leaves the temple and is likely the strongest opposed to the Jedi getting involved in politics and battles across the Galaxy. [b][url=https://i.pinimg.com/originals/32/6a/5b/326a5ba60f67e0c8eeff6463ea936bea.jpg]Madron:[/url][/b] Madron is the duelmaster of the Jedi Order. He has spent his time studying all the lost forms of combat held by the Jedi in the Old Republic (or every possible variation that he can find in Holocrons and written down). Madron spends most of his time at the temple however likes to get involved in missions as often as possible, quite often assisting less experienced Jedi if they get in over their heads. [b][url=http://www.oakthorne.net/wiki/images/Nacond-takkoo.jpg]Nacond Takkoo:[/url][/b] Nancond was a pilot within Rogue Squadron in the later years of the war, him and Luke worked together several times towards the wars end where Luke suspected the Rodian of having latent Force abilities. Once the war was over and Nacond chose to retire from military service, Luke approached him and trained him in his first batch of Jedi Recruits. [b][url=https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/starwars/images/d/d0/Disarming_Slash.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20111223225240]Worror:[/url][/b] Worror is an Ithorian Jedi that survived the Jedi Purge of Order 66. Surviving the Purge he returned to his homeworld of Ithor. He underwent the ritual in order to gain clearance to land on the planet surface, in the great garden. Once he was down on the surface he disappeared into the forests, never to be seen from again. Though Imperial Reports of excursions down to the planet talked about weird reactions to plant life, trapping and killing Imperial personnel. When the war ended Luke went to investigate these findings, finding Worror and inviting him to rejoin the new order. [b][url=https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/proxy/0ik6yA8u0ckvgL1qz4VPl5yWrgZX2lfsigPAT_AZ1m9HUDK6EmjN1bVjzbQu5S7Jnbdkd9XjyiyIEK3GQinMR-z7sMng2aDKLwn0hYTJa_ojCTKwdWHbY81VbNdUfTT-6YUAIaUzjt5I]Avira Nyx:[/url][/b] Avira was Padawan to Jocasta Nu in one of her hidden libraries after the events of Order 66. Barely a Padawan when her master went missing, the young girl grew up surrounded by the history of the Jedi and thousands of books and holocrons. Luke found several of Jocasta Nus libraries until he finally came across Aviras. Avira has become the resident librarian and historian of the Jedi Order. Relocating much off Jocasta Nus vast libraries into the Jedi Temple on Ahch-To. [/hider] [/hider] [hider=Separatists and Confederacy] [hider=New Separatist Union] [center][img]https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/2a0a86ec-6295-4a76-b576-46922e5761a4/scale-to-width/755[/img][/center] The New Separatist Union was formed by members of the Rebel Alliance that had formerly been members of the Confederacy of Independent Systems during the Clone Wars. Using extensive droid labour and armies to secure their space they reclaim what they lost to the Empire, focusing on trying to build a fairer and more 'just' system than the Galactic Republic, who they had formerly fought against. Now that they didn't need the Rebel Alliance they decided to move on and do their own thing. Border friction was a recurring issue between the NSU and the NR, with Daala utilising it to her advantage before she was stopped. Easily the second biggest superpower in terms of manpower, the NSU is the main reason that Luke has refrained from having his Jedi Order being loyal solely to the Republic, wanting to make sure that they can help everyone that needs it. Not just Republic citizens. [/hider] [hider=Confederacy of Corporate Systems] [center][img]https://i.redd.it/j2xy78x424ry.png[/img][/center] The Confederacy of Corporate Systems is the outreach of the Corporate Sector Authority. Seeing a vacuum throughout the Galaxy they extended their reach, offering protection for resources or labor. They involve themselves less in politics, and more in the corporate side of things. Playing a role very similar to that of those within the Trade Federation and various corporate alliances who joined the military during the clone wars. Paired with the New Separatist Union they formed an early alliance, the CCS constructs most of the droid labour used by the NSU.[/hider] [/hider] [hider=Galactic Alliance] [center][img]https://www.pngitem.com/pimgs/m/442-4422703_galactic-alliance-army-symbol-galactic-alliance-symbol-star.png[/img][/center] The Galactic Alliance was formed to counter the threat of Daala and her plot against the free people of the Galaxy and her resurgent Empire. While she didn't have the vast numbers to counter the joint forces of the Galaxy, she had the technology to cause significant damage to the free peoples of the Galaxy. With Luke Skywalker and Leia Organa-Solo leading the charge they managed to unify the free peoples of the Galaxy as the Galactic Alliance to counter the threat. While it has no official standing military, Leia Organa-Solos rangers are the only military that can operate while crossing borders. Their agents typically deploying with the Jedi. Coruscant acts as the de-facto capital for the Galactic Alliance, the old Republic buildings turned into offices, meeting rooms, military quarters, and embassies for the various member states. The former Imperial Palace, once the Jedi Temple homes the Alliance Rangers as their main base of operations. [hider=Alliance Rangers] Leia formed the Rangers in the spirit of the Antarian Rangers of old. Realizing that the Jedi didn't have the numbers to try and keep the peace over the Galaxy, she recruited Rebellion agents across the galaxy into what was originally meant to be a specific agent for the New Republic. After the Daala crisis she campaigned to become the official agents of the Galactic Alliance. In many ways they are the peacekeepers of the Galaxy, often working with the Jedi to bring peace across the galaxy, resolving issues in systems that don't necessarily have the resources or the capability to look after themselves. Like the Jedi themselves Rangers are highly specialised both in combat and in peace-keeping operations. They can range from anything from Pilots, Investigators, Soldiers, Technicians. They quite often work out off [url=https://i.pinimg.com/originals/ad/ef/a1/adefa1e1c756b895671f303b9c9cb4bf.jpg]Antarian Cruisers[/url][/hider] [/hider] [hider=First Order] [center][img]https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/22/Flag_of_the_First_Order.svg[/img][/center] The First Order is the result of growing dissent within the New Republic Senate. Many systems joined the New Republic after the Empire surrender at the Battle of Jakku. Creating a Centrist movement within the New Republic, a group of Senators representing worlds believed that the Empire was the right idea, but solely by Palpatines Machinations that it was a flawed system. As the New Republic focused more on overall protection while allowing the autonomy of individual systems, many of these Senators (and their world leaders) were disgruntled that they could get no more than a lone Jedi or a couple of Rangers to help with incidents. While the New Republic was still being founded Lawlessness was at an all-time high in the Galaxy, not seen since the chaos of the Clone Wars. Slowly systems based around Bastion began to secede from the New Republic, however it wasn't until much later that they officially organized themselves as the First Order, under the control of one Allegiant General Pryde. The formation of this new group has caused worry to rise within the New Republic however with being a member state of the Galactic Alliance many believe that the First Order, despite its growing military, is unlikely to attack due to them being outnumbered. The First Order itself has a representative on Coruscant, who repeatedly states that they have no intention of conquering the Galaxy. Merely securing themselves and doing what is best for their own people. That said Alliance Operatives and Jedi are unwelcome within their borders.[/hider] [hr] [b]Character Sheet:[/b] This sheet can be tweaked to your personal tastes, categories can be removed or added. The important ones that need to be kept are Name, Species, Appearance, Skills, Weaknesses and History. As stated above in terms of Canon we're using Disney Canon for the most part, with the exceptions of what I've changed. If you're not sure about something just ask. For Force Users [code][b]Name:[/b] [b]Species:[/b] [b]Age:[/b] [b]Appearance:[/b] [b]Faction:[/b] [b]Equipment:[/b] [b]Abilities(For Force Users): Balance it out, and detail how skilled they are. [b]Skills:[/b] [b]Weaknesses:[/b] [b]History:[/b][/code] [b]Faction Sheet:[/b] If you want to run a faction that affects the lives of more than 30,000 people you need to apply by filling out a sheet. You can add things to the sheet, however you can't remove things. [code][b]Faction Logo(If applicable):[/b] [b]Faction Name:[/b] [b]Faction Classification:[/b] Liberation Movement, Imperial Warlord, Slave Traders, Mercenary Group, Pirate Band etc. [b]Faction Leader:[/b] [b]Faction Members(Players):[/b] [b]Important NPCs:[/b] [b]Faction Assets:[/b] (Ships, strongholds, manpower, credits, access to weaponry. Last three can be rough estimates) [b]Timeline of Factions History:[/b][/code] [hr] [b]1.[/b] While I am open to Input, like many RP's GMs word is law. [b]2.[/b] No killing off other player characters/Important NPCs with just one hit. The discussion needs to happen OOC and agreements need to be made that said... [b]3.[/b] If you do something incredibly stupid, such as putting your character right in the way of a turbolaster blast. They're probably going to die, while I want to avoid having anyones chars/npcs die when they don't want them too, try to act logically with them to preserve their life. [b]4.[/b] Please keep faction growth realistic, if you are in charge of a faction. [b]5.[/b] No Metagaming/Powergaming. [b]6.[/b] This Roleplay is going to contain some slightly more mature themes, blood, gore and swearing is allowed however should be kept tasteful (no doing it just for the sake of doing it). Anything in regards to what you are doing to that alien hooker, we don't need to know. [b]7.[/b] Hi [b]8.[/b] Initial Maximum of Two PCs per player, further can be discussed after at least four good quality posts in two weeks. [b]9.[/b] Respect each other. [b]10.[/b] Have fun. [hr] If you have any questions, feel free to ask! Have fun everyone.