[center][h1][color=ad4e92]H[/color]OSHINO [color=ad4e92]N[/color]ORIAKI[/h1][/center] [table][row][/row][row][cell][img]https://i.imgur.com/4wG0MA6.jpeg[/img] [center][color=#2e2c2c]xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx[/color][/center] [color=ad4e92][sub][b]D A T E[/b][/sub][/color][hr][sub]April 10th 2018[/sub] [color=ad4e92][sub][b]L O C A T I O N[/b][/sub][/color][hr][sub]The Hall of Mirrors[/sub] [color=ad4e92][sub][b]T A G S[/b][/sub][/color][hr][sub][@Hero][@Scribe of Thoth][@Lord Orgasmo][@RiverMaiden][/sub][/cell][cell][indent] Noriaki's forward advance was cut short of its goal, as he found someone tugging on the back of his jacket. He scarcely needed to turn his head to figure out the source of the interruption, and he growled in irritation as he spun around, giving the cat-girl who had been trying his patience for the better part of an afternoon a good shove for her trouble. [color=ad4e92]"You're on thin fuckin' ice as it is. The next time you grab me, I'm throwing you down that well!"[/color] The inhabitant of the aforementioned well must have taken a level of offense to that, for it rose out of the depths and branched itself into four separate halves shortly after his comment, each shaped like the damnable hands that had gotten him—and everyone else, for that matter—into this mess in the first place. If there was anything worthy of taking the brunt of his ire, it would be this thing and all its god damned hands. He dragged his hefty blade up off the ground as the appendages swayed back and forth, perhaps looking for targets, before they suddenly fired forward at the group. It didn't take an athlete's eye coordination to realize one of them directed itself towards him, and so Noriaki threw his weight backwards, avoiding the clutching digits as they snapped to grab him. His immediate instinct was to simply slash it while it was overextended, but he recalled how it had proved resistant enough to the ice shards Mira had rained on it before. It would likely just shrug off a single cut and retreat back to strike again. He wasn't about to let it get off that easily. Lunging forward, the teen held his sword high above his head and switched it around so the tip faced downwards. With all his weight, he thrust it downwards. There was a sickening crunch as he drove the blackened blade through the shadow's flesh and further beyond, embedding his weapon into the ground to pin the hand and block its retreat. A move which likely bought him more time, but took away his main avenue of attack. But a simple sword was not his [i]only[/i] avenue of attack, he remembered. He was not alone in this fight. [color=ad4e92]"Helel!"[/color] As he called the name, the blue flames which had been the crucible of his rebirth exploded forth from his shoulder blades. The fire branched out like so many petals of a flower, forming six pairs of luminous wings that stretched wide behind him. The fires coalesced, as they had before when he summoned his blade, only rather than form another weapon, the wisps gave way to a cherubic figure, the azure wings replaced with radiant white feathers that enclosed Noriaki. The angelic being placed its small hands atop the devil's head, leaning over him as if to view the prize he had trapped with vague interest. [color=ad4e92]"Agi!"[/color] Then there was more fire. Only, instead of the cerulean that had summoned the angel, the fire that burst around the hand was a deep, hellish violet, and brought with it not only light but horrible heat. Heat which did not bother Noriaki in the slightest. He merely continued holding the creature's limb down with his sword, hoping to burn it away with the power his Persona had given him. [/indent][/cell][/row][/table]