Great posts all around! I'll reiterate some of what I've already mentioned on Discord along with a couple additions. Overall, I love the prose and the way that everyone has added on more details to that which I had laid out in the first post! [@an abomunist] Once again, I love Quillow's struggles with grief now that he's the one dealing with loss rather than helping others cope with theirs. His lingering attachment to his Master's possessions despite the fact that he bids others to let go of their own is really interesting—I'm curious to see where the shift from [i]taking away[/i] to [i]taking with me[/i] is going to lead! [@seonhyang] Your prose is luscious with sensory detail as always! I especially loved your elaboration upon Master Taspul and the anthropologists—I freely encourage everyone to make additions like that—and I love that it consequently makes Yerin feel more rooted in the Order through her past experience. Her real warm approach to nature and scientific curiosity is wonderful too, bridging some of the gap between science and the Jedi preoccupation with capital-N Nature in a way that feels joyous and lively. [@boomerremover] Delste's care for Master Nikdoris is really interesting given her previous antipathy! I'm wondering where that will lead and if it will only last as long as no more words are coming out of his mouth. Even bitter, she's compassionate towards him, and I like that! Her attention to appearance and clothing is really interesting too. I know you had mentioned her being a little image-conscious and I love how that plays with the unfamiliar environment! [@Auz] Sunao's early fear is great! I love how he's so soon overcome with grief and shock at the moment while also holding high expectations for himself. His mistrust for space and starships is interesting too as well as the way that his fastidious appearance is so quickly ruined. I'm eager to see the effects of these recent events going forward! And speaking of going forward, I'll try to get a post out this weekend; afterwards we can split up into a couple short collabs as the Jedi engage with the Republic camp!