Serena nodded and said “don’t worry. She’s still alive. If she wasn’t my shadow wouldn’t have found her. It can tell the difference between living and non living…” she made it to the hallway and paused, getting light headed and the hallway spun for a moment. “We just need to…get down there…” John followed her and pushed his limits to run down the hallway. He slammed into the wall and shoved the door open. They saw the girl hiding under the table and above the table was a hooded creature. But instead of the black hood, this one had white hood. John cursed and said “She is awake and it’s hungry” he whistled and said “hey you git! Mess with someone your own size!” He looked at Kay and said “get the girl. Burn that thing if you have too. Just get her out” he an forward and tackled the creature, clearing the path for Kay.