[center][h1][color=00a651][b][u]NERO KAYAKOS[/u][/b][/color][/h1][/center] The gobbos didn't last very long, at least as far as Nero's reckoning was concerned, but then he'd dropped in - Literally - at the tail-end of their exictence, so he just didn't know what the story was on them or why they even fell dead and dissipated after a while, anyway. Point is, they died out, and Nero got into the Finnbar Express portal to anywhere to get the hell out of here and back to...the Xuanzang! He'd heard Ash shout for a headcount on who was here, and Nero just sort of raised his hand, going [color=00a651]"Uhh, me!"[/color]. No, Nero did NOT know how to roll-call properly. He didn't even know what his serial number was, or even [i]care[/i] if he had any official rank while he was in the military. There seemed to be come kinda' problem with that guy, Klein. Nero wasn't sure if he was just independent or if he was supposedly as bad as Crowley's Cronies. Flame seemed to think so, and he wanted 'im to go through a mind probe by Avelyn. Seemed fair. The bigger, [i]better[/i] chuckle here was that Navi had gone and blurted out 'Boyfriend', and then got an Oh Crap face. [color=00a651]"Well, it was only a matter of time."[/color] He said so, grinning for a moment. This was the part where Natasha walked in, wanting to know what the hell was going on. Apparently, someone wanted to graffiti the ship, and Phi had actually [i]jumped[/i] ship, though we don't know why. Nero gave an emphatic shrug. [color=00a651]"Hey, your guess is as good as mines. I got a call about someone going outta' control, white flames everywhere, and I tell you guys en route to the thing that some people were lookin' to round up anyone that'd been at the Circle of Hell, and Mr. White Flames was onee they mentioned in particular. So, I took over a gunship and went all distract-y nonsense, but then something in my fucking shadow tried to [i]eat me[/i] and I crashed into a ton of goblins on the ground. I tell you, this is the goddamn weirdest birthday I ever had, which reminds me."[/color] He turned to everyone else. [color=00a651]"Cake's in storage if anyone wants at it. I just figured I should have one."[/color] Yup, just a fun-loving time on his birthday: Go shopping, beat people up, distract the cops, fight off a shadow monster, and escape to tell the tale. Nero ended up talking about the same time as anyone else volunteering an explanation. However, [i]escape[/i], in fact, was a good point being brought up by Laurey. Even more than Avelyn mentioning that she wanted to check to see if everyone's heads were alright, this lit the proverbial under Nero's ass. They might know that it was [i]this ship[/i] that their magic asses came from. So, he turned back to Natasha, now. [color=00a651]"Fuck [i]marbles![/i] She's got a point! We gotta get the hell outta here, like [i]now![/i] Unless you want [i]me[/i] to drive, that is."[/color] Oh, [i]that[/i] was a viable threat. Nero started off towards the cockpit section like he was about to start them off. He wasn't [i]really[/i] going to try to pilot the Xuanzang without having any idea how a starship's navigation worked, but the thought of him driving after what they saw in the park - or even in general - should get some crew action going.