Without hesitation, Osman authorised the Rothian integration request. Large red silhouettes appeared on the roads either side of their car, towards the convoy’s front and also behind them. Area markers above their heads painted three sections of the glassy tower blocks around them. “Ambush! Weapons free!” The Major barked over comms, reaching for her combat rifle in the footwell. Energy weapons lit up along the full length of the convoy, sending great cascades of blue fire into the alleyways. The bulbous visor crawled back over 595’s face and its red triangle blinked on. With gritted teeth, she forced a tethered iteration of the Scrivener-Fujikawa virus into one of the tower blocks off to their right. All at once, anti-materiel rounds fizzed into the tanks from up high, leaving tracer vapor in their wake. Great curtains of sparks erupted into the air and the deafening screech of rending metal filled the air. 595 just had time to turn and shout “Get down!” To the two scientists in the back seats before a juggernaut exploded out of a side street towards them. The cloaking around it failed with a great *pop*, and a high explosive round from the rear tank filled the cabin with fire. Freyr didn’t even have time to scream before the flaming truck slammed into the side of their car at top speed. The impact was devastating, with their car cartwheeling over and over. Debris flew around the interior, clattering against her helmet. Dr Girard’s nose smashed against the headrest in front of her, sending blood spraying everywhere. The car hit the ground upside down, then slid into the side of the building on the opposite side of the street. Freyr found her breath to scream, hanging upside down.