Chas couldn't believe for a moment that John bloody Constantine of all people, someone who would quite literally sleep with anyone, not the settling down type at all had suddenly in his unconsciousness with Kay formed a bond. Maybe things could change for the man after all. He saw John clearly attempting to wake up from his body language and from his breathing, "come on John, we need you to wake up mate, Kay's out cold for healing you" he said, not wanting to use Kay as almost like a trigger object for waking him, but didn't know what else to do. Josh sighed knowing his kid sister was right. He didn't like just getting his sister back and just bolting. It wasn't fair to the others after they risked their lives to save Trish. "alright.. But if that monster is still down there I'm getting you out of here like I promised" he told her back, pressing the button to go back down to the basement as they were still in the lift. Getting back downstairs, he carried his sister down the hall whilst keeping an eye out for any threat. He found his way back to where the mysterious group were and saw what state they were in. "you guys need a hand?" he asked them.