Approaching the Citadel for the first time was a sight to behold. The massive station emerged from the nebula like a ghost ship out of a storm in stories of old, flanked by angular-looking Turian warships and the eyesore that was the Destiny Ascension. It was almost as stunning as being not only considered, but actually asked to join a Council-backed, but officially nonexistent black ops squad. Spectres lite! The customs officer didn’t want to believe it either - the ‘official’ version she was given to get on the station that is - when the two weapons and a full suit of armor in one of her bags set off enough alarm bells to make even the salty old Turian captain raise an eyebrow. That was the last entertaining thing to happen for the next two hours the commute to the correct Ward and district took her. And she thought the cities on Illium were big. Unfortunately, while they were told which district they were supposed to meet in, the precise location hadn't been revealed yet, leaving her to wander the district for an hour. At least it gave her time to look around and make up for the abysmal food served on the way here. Lantea was a bit surprised by the amount of Salarian and Asari C-Sec officers throughout the district compared to the docks and Presidium, but in a way it made sense. Humans could complain about too many Turian officers in what is effectively a majority Human area, and Batarians would definitely whine about Human officers. Exactly why anyone still cared what Batarians thought was unknown to her, but apparently she was ‘...a judgemental simpleton... ’ as some old bag on the ship told her when conversation turned in that direction. She was halfway through her box of takeout noodles when she received a message from the contact she got along with the directions she’d been following thus far, finally pointing her to a specific place. Livilla Towers. It sounded almost Asari. It was also about half an hour away at a brisk pace. And a minute in an elevator. But at last, the Asari stood in front of an ordinary door, retrieving her Stiletto from the gear bag before using the authentication code provided to her to enter. [color=CF61E1]”Hey-ho? Anyone here?”[/color] Silence. [color=CF61E1]”Apparently not.”[/color] she muttered, opened the closest door and threw both her bags on the bed closest to the window before holstering the pistol and sitting down beside a window in the main room to finish her meal and enjoy the view outside. Not bad as far as bases go. Couldn’t hold a candle to the refurbished patrol corvette they had with the old company, but miles ahead of a prefab with a shaky AC. Only questions that remained concerned the mission and the rest of the team: How many? Who were they? Who was going to be in command? She looked back to the door. And where were they? She brought up her Omni-tool again, going over every word of the latest message just in case she misread something. That would be some first - and last - day at work.