[quote=@Kuro] [@Zombiedude101] Numerous people through out the talks on Discord have mentioned that they've witnessed people abusing this rule and using minorites like LGBT as a punching bag. Even [@Chai], who is currently a chat moderator on the Discord, has mentioned that she has had to argue against [b]people trying to defend their racist, homophobic, misogynistic, etc. comments, saying that they hadn't broken RPG rules even though what they said was incredibly derogatory towards said groups.[/b] And even if you think it's "making a mountain out of a bloody molehill", if it helps minorities like myself feel safer on the guild, then surely it won't hurt to change/clarify it, no? [/quote] To be fair, that's the same logic as the Nazis and the Soviets claiming they didn't commit war crimes against each others' POWs because they never signed the conventions surrounding prisoners. Just cunts trying to get around the rules which surely should fall under bigotry/being a cunt and be bannable anyway. These people have been banned, right? That's what you do with those autistic manchildren, you don't try and argue rules with them you just give them the boot for behaving like toxic assholes. Simple.