John groaned and opened his eyes, seeing Chas holding him upright and saw Kay and Serena. He blinked and said “What the bloody…is going on…” he sat up then looked down and he said “bloody girl…she healed too much…” he looked up as Josh walked back in and smiled at the girl. “She’s alright then? Not hurt at all?” Trish smiled and shook her head. “No, thanks to you guys…thank you.” Serena was leaning against the wall, looking like death as she muttered “we need to get out of here…we can’t let the doctors see how John is now…yesterday he was a mess and now his totally cured…” John frowned and said “what about you? You don’t look…” Serena gave him an icy look that even shut the hellblazer up. “Josh…if you could…help us get…Kay out of here…that…that…” she lowered her head, the room spinning again.