The Batia district flew past Arty's windshield as he navigated the frantic traffic of the citadel. His skycar thrummed powerfully with each turn of the throttle and hissed gently at each press of the brakes. By now, Arty was used to hectic inner workings of the massive space station. Hell, he'd even been in Batia district before. Plenty of those who wish not to be seen try to disappear into Batia's nooks and crannies. He took a hard turn and broke off from the main traffic stream, occasionally glancing at his navigational system. It seemed the nearest rapid transit station was just a few blocks away. No word on the actual location of the safehouse. Arty supposed he would do some exploring after all. The shuttle came in fast and Arty pulled up just in the nick of time, frightening a few volus pedestrians. He stepped out of the shuttle and popped the trunk, retrieving his rather bulky duffel bag and slinging it over his shoulder. Arty glanced around the street. Boarded up windows, broken liquor bottles, and suspicious glares. Down the street, Arty saw a few clearly renovated buildings with workers and armed security. It seemed the upper class was taking an interest in Batia. He wondered how many people were now homeless due to that little project. Arty's communicator gave a cheerful chirp. He dug it out of his pocket and saw that the safe house was some distance north at a place called Livilla Towers. Arty snorted to himself. [color=lightblue]"Livilla Towers, huh? Wonder what spineless corporate sop came up with that name..."[/color] he muttered to himself. He turned on his heel and began to follow the directions towards the safehouse. The rest of the district was much like he expected. Poverty concentrated into a lethal form. Didn't matter who or what you were. If you were from here, you were being molded by an urban sprawl of drugs and guns. Arty pondered silently as he walked, keeping one eye on the GPS and the other on the environment around him. Then a batarian stepped out from an alleyway. Then two more flanked the first. Arty audibly sighed. Of course nothing could have been as easy as just walking to work. [color=lightblue]"Alright, lads?"[/color] asked Arty in the friendliest manner he could muster. He wasn't overly fond of batarians. Bad experiences while he was still with the alliance navy. He tried to not let those experiences define all batarians. However, this trio seemed to be falling right into his expectations. [color=red]"This is Quad Eyes territory, human. You don't belong. Normally, we'd gut you like a fish and leave you flopping in the street. But I'm feeling generous today. How about you leave that bag with us, as well as any valuables, and you can pass. Seems like a small price to pay for your life."[/color] sneered the lead batarian. Arty rolled his eyes. He really didn't feel like getting into a fight right now. Which was odd for him. [color=lightblue]"Listen, I'm just trying to get to work. This doesn't need to be a fight."[/color] Arty said. The batarians chuckled sardonically in response. The lead thug pointed a pistol at Arty. [color=red]"Oh, it won't be much of a fight. Last chance, human. Hand your shit over before this gets ugly."[/color] the batarian snarled. Arty put his hands up. [color=lightblue]"Alright, mate, you got me."[/color] he said casually, tossing the bag in front of him. The lead batarian gestured to his partners, still keeping his pistol trained on Arty. The other two rushed forward, staring greedily at the bag. It was then Arty realized that the other two weren't armed. They only had one pistol between the three of them. It would have been funny if it wasn't so pathetic. Arty felt his power swell up in his chest. The strength that only biotics made him feel. He stared down the armed batarian. Waiting. Waiting. When he glanced at the bag, Arty knew he had him. In an instant, Arty pushed off powerfully in an explosion of blue energy. His surroundings blurred around him but the batarian was crystal clear. Arty made a fist and slammed it into the thug's gut. The force of the blow sent the batarian flying back a half dozen feet, crashing hard into the pavement. There was a pause and then a soft groan came up from the batarian. Good, at least he wasn't dead. Arty glanced back at the other two and bit back a chuckle as he saw them frozen in fear. [color=lightblue]"You should get moving. He's gonna need a hospital."[/color] Arty stated matter of factly, jabbing a thumb over his shoulder towards the groaning thug. The two traded a quick glanced and then scurried past Arty, awkwardly dragging their friend away as they did so. Arty went and picked up his bag and pulled out his GPS again. He was almost there. [center]***[/center] Arty punched in the provided code and the door slid open with a soft hiss. He stepped inside and peered around the apartment. He had been hoping for something a little more high tech but he supposed it didn't matter all that much. He took a few steps inside and placed his bags next to a sofa. He glanced a purple asari sitting by the window. One of his teammates, presumably. [color=lightblue]"Ah, hello! Good to know I won't be alone here. Arthur Dow, a pleasure to meet you. You can call me Arty."[/color] he greeted cheerfully, crossing the main room and offering a hand. [@Starlance]