Chas helped John get back up onto his feet as he cursed about what Kay did for him. "she looked like she tried to break free but couldn't...and there's one other thing we need to discuss but later." he told him as the conversation then continue Don as Josh and Trish reappeared. He couldn't help but smirk when Serena's stare shut even John up knowing that very few people could accomplish such a thing. Josh put Trish down onto her feet as he was asked to help to get Kay out of the hospital, "sure I'll help in any way I can" he said to her back, walking over and slinging her arm over his shoulder so she could use him as a crutch to get out. "if you think you're gonna faint I'll carry you out. It's the least I can do after you all saved my sister" he told her before turning to Chas and John. "I think I saw a staff exit further down that should take you all out to the ambulance bay. From there you should be able to get out easily enough" he explained. Kay remained out cold the entire time they were talking.