Josh helped Serena and smiled as Trish decided she wanted to help as well, feeling like he was bringing her up good enough if that was her action without being told. He was always worried that he was doing a bad job, but then Trish would do little things like this and unknowingly reassure him he wasn't doing an awful job at being a brother and a parent. "yeah we did" Chas replied to Serena as they walked, Chas taking the lead as he didn't have anyone to carry and he could be the look out. When Serena stumbled into Josh a bit more, he smiled and without prompting skid his other arm under her legs and lifted her up like John was holding Kay. "I got you" he told her softly, seeing her blush ever so slightly which made him smile all the more. She was one hell of a woman that was for sure. As they got to the exit and opened the door, Chas pointed to the left "to the left top corner of the car park, end space" he explained, leading the way hoping that Kay would wake up soon and didn't do herself too much mental damage by healing John. It took about a minute to get to the cab where he unlocked it and opened the doors for everyone. "if you're coming along, get in" he said.