Vreta had to duck back into the passenger hold quickly as he saw the truck careening towards them. He pressed his feet into the wall underneath one of the seats while digging his claws into the thinner metal of the roof above them, pushing hard against both to try and keep himself stable once their vehicle was hit. His armor could protect him from the impact, but he would be a danger to others in the vehicle if he ended up flying around the hold untethered. He relied on Rhia to make small adjustments to keep him in place as their car was rolling. After a few seconds, the car came to rest upside down and Vreta allowed himself to drop down onto what was formerly the roof. For someone properly armored, like himself or the Agent, the crash had not been too much of a danger, but not everyone in their vehicle was so well equipped. All had protection, but for the civilians it was more basic. In any case, Vreta did his best to right himself quickly. With all the chaos around them, they would have to organize quickly if they wanted to effectively defend themselves. [i]”I can’t update enemy positions from in here. We need to get out as quickly as we can. From what I can calculate, we were knocked into one of the buildings. It could provide cover, but there’s no guarantee there aren’t hostiles waiting inside in ambush. Still, we’d probably have a better chance of fighting them off inside than standing out in the open in the street. Either way, we need to move quickly. I can’t update enemy positions from inside this thing.”[/i] Rhia advised. Vreta silently acknowledged Rhia, then took stock of the status of the others. Dr. Girard seemed to be injured, but he could not tell just on appearance if it was just superficial, or something that would require treatment. “What is everyone’s status? Can everyone move? We need to go; we’re not safe here.” He said as he moved over towards one of the doors leading, presumably, into the building. It was bent by the impact and might have been jammed in place, but he would kick it off its hinges if he had to.