[h1][i]D[sub]a [/sub]n [sup]i[/sup][sub]e[/sub]l[sup] l[/sup] e D[sub]a[/sub] [sub] l [/sub]l [sup]o [/sup] n[/i][/h1] [Center][i]Is that guy for real? I can run faster than that! [Sub]Oh, it's so hot I'm cooking...[/sub] What's with all the dang pollen around here? [sup]Hmm, where is everybody going?[/sup] [sup]It's starting! I can't wait![/sup] Hehe, I bet I can trick those chumps into believing I have a power, and save a few bucks! [Sup]This is my chance to prove myself![/sup][Sub]Ugh, little brat! Watch where you're going![/sub] [sup]It's a doggy! Doggy doggy![/sup] [/i][/center] The young family of four skipped the cabins and head briskly through the parking lot to the conference hall instead, bringing their meager bags and backpacks with them. Dandelions swirled in swarms around Dani, feeding her the joy and excitement and fears of others around her. The small blond girl swatted at the seeds that tickled her nose and eyelashes. She tried unsuccessfully to ignore them,as their strange celestial voices were distracting and only seemed to add to her own anxiousness. The automatic doors opened into a wonderfully cool lobby. Dani wiped her forehead dry with the back of her hand and breathed in, taking in the cool, filtered air. Her mind was quieter now that she was away from the swarm of dandelion seeds, though not perfectly silent. There must have been seeds lingering around, caught in thr hair and clothes of the people in the room. Her family lumped close together as they waited in line, holding hands as the younger ones bounced quietly but impatiently. The line moved quickly enough and soon their own tickets were torn and they were sent on their way with a small packet and their ticket stubs. The conference hall itself was packed to near capacity. [Color=khaki][i]Oh no![/i][/color] Dani thought, squeezing the straps of her messenger bag. There was probably more than enough seating, but there were not enough seats in a row for everybody to sit together. [B]"Excuse me, oh, I am so sorry to bother you, but could you kindly make room for a few more?"[/b] Fauna said in her most sweet and charming voice, batting her eyelashes and flashing a smile at an elderly couple. [B]"Of course we can, dear!"[/b] the old lady answered. She pat her husband, who in turn yelled out down the row. Soon the row had moved to one side, making just enough room for the Dallon family and their companions. Just as everybody had made themselves comfortable, the lights dimmed and the conference began. An old man came out, and he started blabbing about goals and rules and it was about as exciting as the first day of school. It was not long before the younger kids were complaining and fidgeting, but Fauna was prepared with snacks and handheld games. Dani looked to Abagail, who was now playing on her cellphone rather than listening to music. [Color=khaki][i]Maybe she does care about this trip, essences and all that...[/i][/color] Dani wondered as she nodded off. Danielle awoke to a gentle nudge from her mother. [B]"Wake up, sleepyhead. It is time for an activity,"[/b] she explained quietly as she picked up toys and wrappers. The lights were back on and people were getting up, talking, and moving about. Dani groaned and rubbed her eyes. [color=khaki]"What kind of activity?"[/color] she asked. [B]"We're getting to know our cabin-mates."[/b] Dani groaned again, louder. Fauna smiled and rolled her eyes. [B]"You wanted to come here! Come on,"[/b] she teased, offering a hand. Dani took it and got up reluctantly. Destiny pulled Fauna's sleeve, and her mother leaned down closer to listen. [B]"Mommy, I need to go to the bathroom!"[/b] the little girl whispered urgently. [B]"I guess this is where we part ways,"[/b] Fauna said with a bittersweet smile as turned to her new companions. [B]"Thank you for spending time with us. It was wonderful to meet you!"[/b] Danielle smiled and nodded in agreement. Abagail mumbled while messing with her phone. [B]"Goodbye!"[/b] William said with a wave. [B]"Bye!"[/b] Destiny quickly followed. She bent down and shook paws once again with Sascha again and gave her a pat on the head. [B]"Byebye Sascha."[/b] With that, Fauna linked hands with her young children and the group left their seats and disappeared into the crowd. A few minutes later Danielle and her family had made their way back from the restrooms to the conference hall. By now there were ten groups, all made up of about 15 people, more or less. They found the group with a small '2' sign hanging on the wall, and joined the rough circle. It seemed the group had started without them, and while Dani was annoyed that she missed some, she was thankful not to have to speak first. She always hated these kinds of activities in school. Dani looked around the group and she thought she might have seen Ryker or Arthur again, though she couldn't say for sure with other people blocking her view. Right now an elderly man was speaking, and there was only one person between him and Dani. Her heart pounded as she struggled to decide what she would say, but before she knew it, it was her turn and everybody was looking her way. Dani froze, staring back with wide eyes. Her body quivered visibly and her heart felt like it would pop out of her chest. She glanced around the room with her eyes darting frantically back and forth. She wanted to run and hide, even die, to escape this torture... But a comforting hand touched her shoulder. [B][i]"Your name, where you're from, if you have an essence, and a fact about you,"[/i][/b] Fauna gently reminded her. Dani gulped and took a deep breath. [Color=khaki]"...M-my name is Danielle. D-Dani. I grew up in New Hampshire.. We-we just moved to Florida,"[/color] she said, leaning a bit to look at her family, they waved, except for Abby, of course, who stood with crossed arms and a grump on her face. Dani leaned back, totally forgetting what she was saying. [Color=khaki]"I... um.. I um..."[/color] [B][i]"Do you have an essence, honey?"[/i][/b] her mother prompted with an encouraging smile and a rub on the back. Dani felt like her heart stopped, and her eyes went wide. Should she tell the truth? Or could that put her family in danger like in every superhero movie ever? Now that powers were more common, more people were open about their abilities, but still... [Color=khaki][i]"I-I don't know..."[/i][/color] Dani answered vaguely. [Color=khaki]"But...but I've wanted one all my life. M-my dream is to be a hero. A s-superhero..."[/color] she finished. Dani thought she heard scoffs and chuckles in the crowd, and she bowed her head so her hair fell in front of her face. Fauna pat her daughter's shoulder. [B][i]"Good job, sweetie. I will go next."[/i][/b] Her mother then turned to the group and smiled sweetly. [B]"Hello everyone, my name is Fauna. Like my daughter said, we moved from New Hampshire, but I was born and raised in Florida. I have no essence, but they sound like fun! And I adore all kinds of animals." "I'm Destiny and I want an essence too! I'm ten years old,"[/b] Destiny shared with big grin. [B]"Hey. My name is William. An essence would be cool. I want to learn to surf." "Abagail. No essence. I didn't want to come."[/b] [B][i]"Abby![/i][/b] Fauna chastised. [B]"What? It's a fact."[/b] Abagail shrugged. She took her ipod out and stuck the buds in her ears. Fauna sighed and shook her head. Eventually the next person spoke up, and Dani began to relax a little now that her turn was over, but she couldn't help thinking that this was all a big mistake...