If Kay was awake and saw how John was around Trish, there would have been no way she would have pegged him for thr type to allow a mere child run around the house. Chas even found it difficult to believe and he had seen how great John was with Geraldine as her godfather. Just as Serena had suspected, Josh really didn't believe any of what Serena was saying. He was too used to Trish making the odd little lie when she felt under the weather so he could tell instantly not all was indeed right with her and he did start to feel concerned about her escaping the hospital without being discharged. "Serena where is your room? I'll help you there and you can rest up." he suggested to her, figuring that her bedroom would be the best place to go and he just assumed she had a bedroom in this place, not even thinking that it could have been a possibility she didn't live here. It took a good few minutes before Kay did actually stir awake with a groan and lifting her hand to her forehead as she sighed. Looking around and refocusing her eyes to realise she was back home. "John?" she asked, trying to focus her eyes in finding him.