John smiled and nodded. “Of course love…I’m not going anywhere” when he turned to Chas he looked at Trish then he said “Trish…did you hear about it or see it?” Trish tilted her head and said “I saw it last night when I was asleep. It was bad and both of you got really hurt. Ms Shade was thrown into that beam and it crashed down on her. She was trying to protect John with her shadows but it was too much. Then that thing went for John and Serena blocked it with herself. It went thru her.” Serena stared, going whiter then she already was. She didn’t tell the others about that yet. She had only remembered it happening this morning. John looked at Serena and raised an eyebrow. Serena looked down and said weakly “it happened in the warehouse…I was trying to move John and it was a black fog or something. It was aiming for John and it took the hit…” John looked at Chas “did they check her back for wounds or burns?” Serena was shaking against josh, the shock getting to her worse.