When the door crashed open and the goblins poured in, MacKensie swore under her breath. Even after all she'd seen in the coffin chamber, with shadow arms and demon children... even after all that, she wasn't prepared for the sight of these things. The eyes, the teeth, the steel. The smell and the rabid blood-thirst emanating from them. She was never much into fantasy tales unless they were romantic. She knew of the medieval fantasy genre, enough to realise some of the parelells of this world with that genre. But she wasn't familiar enough with it to be comfortable, looking at these creatures for the first time. It was terrifying. Her knees went weak and she started to think of all the horrible things these creatures were going to do to her. It was overwhelming. Stomach-turning. But then the man who'd... well, pretty much told her off, like her father would when she was petulant... he blasted a magic beam from his fingers, that put a dent in the closest goblin. She was quickly reminded of her 'quickdraw' earlier and her confidence bolted back up with a surge of adrenaline. "I have no idea of their weaknesses yet, so normal combat principle applies for now." “Qui n’avance pas, recule!" she shouted as her war cry, channelling her father's spirit. This time her crossbow was loaded, (she'd prepared as they left the room,) and she aimed and shot. Her first bolt hit an enemy in the chest, lodging itself in the armour but doing no damage. This wouldn't do. She'd aimed safely for centre-mass, but there no time for safe shots. And deep down she knew she could push it. If MacKensie Trydant could do [i]anything[/i] in this world, she could hit her shots when it counted. When the pressure was on. Her 2nd shot planted itself between the eyes of the same target. It's feet tried to charge without it's body as it dropped dead. She loaded her crossbow like a machine; her dextrous fingers, her coordination and precision, beyond anything she thought humanly possible. She simply tried not to think about it, loosing a 3rd shot and reloading. But the goblins were soon upon them all and one lept into the air, toward her, into a strong downsweep slash. Panicking, MacKensie's free hand drew her knife and threw it up to defend her, squeezing her eyes shut like a complete and utter amateur. With the luck of God, she somehow blocked the attack, but the strength of it knocked her down. As her back hit the granite-hard floor, a flex of her shoulders smoothly transitioned her into a backflip and she landed on her feet, firing off another killing shot and reloading. Now a couple of steps behind her comrades, she could see that they seemed to be doing quite well and it invigorated her. As she fired off shots, to assist the party, a quiet part of her mind suggested that she was now in the right position - a little behind the close-range fighters and able to cover them while they shielded her.....................