Sure, she could spend all day chasing people who do not want to be found. It would, of course, be no end of satisfying for the Magi to see a petitioner worn down and frustrated before they will deign to see her. That's how the game is played--important people are acknowledged and seen, while the weak and impotent are ignored or demoted from existence. But why should she do that when she knows where their workshops are? Let them run around and avoid her all they wish--so long as she holds this crucial ground, they will eventually have to face her if they wish to collect their tools and artefacts. She is nothing, after all, if not expert in standing still and being threatening. "Please don't touch that." Alexa ignores the Coherent, and tugs open another drawer. Tools jangle noisily as she digs, shoves incomprehensible thingamajigs around in her search. The big lug seems friendly enough, which is his first mistake. She is here, somewhere she should not be. You never rely on them being nice and doing what they're told. You're here, you own this space, you don't let them dictate the terms. Ah, finally. This tool probably isn't meant to be used as a wire brush, but it's got enough stiff wires sticking out to be good enough. The coherent winces, she notes with some satisfaction. Hey now. No biting. Yeah, it hurts, I get it, but we gotta get that rust off if we're gonna make any progress. See what a mess she's making? Better run and tell your boss what she's doing before she has a chance to mess up anything volatile.