[@Thinslayer] Oh, I wouldn’t say that. I figured a pretty decent part of getting them to the point where they have a chance to even [i]understand[/i] industry would involve helping them learn how to properly fight back against other gob tribes and large monsters. The Claybitah’s and surrounding tribes were [i]not[/i] advanced, basically in the stone age. They couldn’t even make leather or stuff at first, just wearing the hides, furs or shells as is. If they saw the armoured gobs that are attacking the town now, they would’ve assumed they were a different race with an exoskeleton like crabs or bugs, which is probably what they thought the deal was with other races wearing armour too. That’s why Chatak is seen as such an incredible tactician and thinky gob, because his [i]weak to average[/i] understanding of lots of different subjects was still leaps and bounds ahead of what they could do on their own, technologically [i]and[/i] militarily.