[center][img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/6a6a5fc3-8d9f-4033-be59-19999967548d.png[/img][/center][hr][indent] This one wasn't much of a talker, was he? Or at least, he didn't seem the type to enjoy a conversation with [i]anyone[/i]. Still, he hadn't dismissed Aurora entirely--not yet, anyway--and actually continued said conversation. She was, however, just a touch surprised that he didn't seem to recognize her. Unless he did recognize her and was still being dismissive? Could that be it? No, there was absolutely no reason for her to doubt that her status had gone unawares even by the rabble. Aha, maybe that was it! She would love to put a name to his face, after all, so an introduction was definitely in order. His next question did put a halt to that line of thinking, however. She thought the reason she was here was obvious, but he must have missed it. Perhaps she should be more straightforward. And less...aware of her chest, since for whatever reason, it didn't seem to please him. [i]That[/i] was definitely a first, too, but she wasn't going to dwell on that for long, either. Aurora gave him a small smile as she placed her hands on her lap. [COLOR=mediumspringgreen]"I think most people don't aim to irritate you,"[/color] She let out a small, girlish giggle. [color=mediumspringgreen]"But you should look at it from their perspective! You keep to yourself and give off this air of mystery...I would very much like to unravel you if you know what I mean."[/color] She concluded, giving him a wink. [/indent][hr]