In truth, Jin-Sun hadn't been around to witness the first few days of the world's reaction. After they'd landed back in Japan, Jin-Sun had immediately shipped himself off for repairs to his cyborg chassis, considering the damage he'd suffered from fighting Thremont and removing his safety limiters. With Iphie's permission, he and Anfisa had gone over the cyborg research retrieved from Heavyware, copying the Liquid Aurorum muscle fuel that had been used into his systems. Even with Anfisa's expertise, there hadn't been much time to copy the system besides using it to give Jin-Sun a temporary boost whenever it was activated. And there was the matter of reconstructing his sword that Runa had somehow broken. Fortunately, the blueprints to his sword had been in Heavyware's servers, and reconstructing it was only a matter of using enough Aurorum. Once he was finished with being repaired and upgraded, Jin-Sun took full advantage of his hologram projector to completely dodge the media, allowing him to go through Shanhu without being noticed. He wasn't exactly comfortable with all this media attention, especially considering he was mainly a stealth specialist. Still, he leveraged his fame for a single interview in which he emphasized the amount of innocents Heavyware had kidnapped and experimented on, calling attention to the need to find these people and aid them. If he was going to be famous regardless, he might as well make use of it. Without anything resembling a 9-to-5 job or schooling to deal with, Jin-Sun largely spent his time off watching wrestling and having to explain to his friends and family from his old life exactly what had happened to him after he'd signed up to be a PMC, considering Heavyware had listed him as KIA after they'd taken him in for experimentation. He hadn't thought this through. In the years since he'd broken out, he'd never tried to contact his parents or his previously close friends out of fear that Heavyware would have found out and tracked them down. Meeting his parents again had been...awkward. Still, at least he'd departed on relatively good terms, explaining exactly what had happened to him and why he'd never gotten in contact. ___ It had been a relaxing few weeks ever since. Considering he'd never hung around the old penthouse that much, the move to what was now dubbed Fort Five wasn't particularly jarring for him. It certainly beat the apartment he'd been using before John had recruited him. But now he was comfortably set up within headquarters. Jin-Sun sat at the dining table, listening to John's briefing as he mixed instant coffee into his chocolate-flavored protein shake. After the informant finished, the cyborg ninja calmly sipped his ad-hoc mocaccino protein through a straw, thinking the situation over. All of the potential hires sounded like useful and much welcomed additions to the team, so he didn't particularly have a problem there. As for the leads... [b]"It'll be good to get back into action."[/b] Jin-Sun grunted as he reached for the folder, starting to flip through it. [b]"One more person shows up asking me for another interview, I'm going off-grid for a few weeks. Anyways, all the potential hires sound good, although I wouldn't mind talking with your supply chain candidate when she comes in. Could use a few upgrades on my equipment."[/b]