“Mudda FOCKER.” Dr Girard gurgled, shaking hands moving to gently feel her face. Blood dripped out of her broken nose onto her forehead, and from there, the ceiling of the car. “My nozsch.” Girard slurred, poking herself. “Don’t touch it!” Freyr shouted. “We need ice, does anyone have ice?” She looked around the cabin frantically, searching for ice while still upside down. 595 unclipped her seatbelt and somehow managed to land the right way up in this cramped space. She wiped some of the debris off the window on her side and peered through. Heavy weapons-fire echoed through the street. A deafening explosion went off nearby, and for a brief moment the inside of their vehicle was brightly lit up. “I’m good. Osman, I need a proper weapon.” “Shotgun in the box above your headrest. My leg is stuck…” The Major grunted, trying to free herself. “I’ll help you! Hold still.” The Corporal who had been driving offered, unclipping his seatbelt and crashing to the ceiling. Their car radio started up again, revealing a cacophony of shouts and battle instructions. 595 broke open a lockbox at her feet and pulled out a little cube that began unfolding into a weapon. The Agent grabbed a couple of spare energy cells too and attached them to her chest. Freyr shrieked, pointing. “There are people out there! They’re coming this way! GET ME OUT OF HERE!” Her breath came out fast and ragged, and Freyr found she was struggling to speak anymore. As she watched, three [url=https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/3c44e797-cd11-4a32-bae9-0f57e3bea1f1.jpg]figures[/url] stepped through the smoke and haze of the battle. Energy rounds fizzed all around them, but they stayed focused on the vehicle. One had some kind of buzz saw.