THe idea that this thing that got to Serena and hurt hurt not only her but John as well just because of her made her sick to her stomach. It felt like no matter what she did, she was putting them in danger at every turn. As thankful as she was for Serena not being possessable, she didn't like that she still got hurt and it was making a serious effect on her. "Trish was there anything else in your dream that you saw about it?" she asked her cautiously, sitting upright and patting the couch beside her so Trish could sit down if she wanted to. Chas sighed not liking when a demon or spirit manages to do this kind of injury to someone. He and John had seen this kind of thing before and most of the time it didn't end well in the slightest. Very few people survived such an attack and if they did, they were left with lasting affects, but then there were very rare ones that survived with no side effects. He just hoped Serena would be the very latter option of those scenarios. Josh saw her sway in the seat more and wondered what he could do to help, "Is there a way to find out what kind did this to her? Is there a way to heal her? Can she..." he asked, then gestured at Kay before looking back at John and Chas, "heal her? She seemed to have healed you" he said to John.