[hr][hr][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/C6tQzCu.png[/img] [color=#EDDA74]Location:[/color] Niflheim [color=#EDDA74]Skills:[/color] N/A[/center] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/ERxXJHE.png[/img] [color=888383]Location:[/color] Niflheim [color=888383]Skills:[/color] N/A[/center] [hr][hr] Lara nodded as she handed out the last bits of dry clothing over to Astrid, as well as blankets to all three of them. She then went to fish out some food at that point as she knew she really had the only good source of it. She knew it wasn't too much, mostly energy bars, dried meat, some cheese and a few other things, but she laid it out as a spread for all of them. It wasn't much, but it would put food in their bellies as they thought of what to do next. Astrid thanked Lara, and blushed and turned around as she went to change out of her wet clothing. She knew that neither of them would see anything but she still hated changing in front of others. She left on her unmentionables, as she still needed them, and thankfully they weren't too wet... at least not wet enough for her to mind. She tugged on the extra shirt and skirts, and then moved close to the fire and held her hands out in front of herself. [color=888383]"I do agree, we need to figure out another way to get out of these caves. I can do a bit of scouting while you two eat and warm up. I'm not too cold, and thankfully, I'm not that hungry. I did have a small snack on the boat earlier."[/color] Lara paused as she thought of which way she could head in the caves to find them another way out. She was really the only one in the state to go scouting at that point while the other two warmed up. She couldn't stand the thought of losing someone else on their quest. They had lost Elizabeth, and that thought made her shudder a bit. [color=#EDDA74]"Yes, once we're out in the open I can summon my mount, and he can take the three of us to wherever we need to go. I'm guessing back to the hotel, yes?"[/color] Astrid gently poked at the fire with a stick at that point, to keep it going. She wanted something warm to drink, but she wasn't sure anyone had brought a pot or kettle at that point. She didn't usually bring cooking implements with her, which seemed silly in hindsight. Since when had any mission she gone on with the Einherjar gone well?