[color=cyan]“Just like that, huh? Why would we trust that you would let us walk away unharmed. You haven't even introduced yourself.”[/color] The Witch twirled her spear, sheathed it behind her back, and folded her arms. The bold young man ventured a few steps closer. [color=cyan]“Perhaps you could come here, kneel down before us and beg for forgiveness for all the carnage and innocents you and your army have killed. Maybe WE would be inclined on letting you go unharmed.”[/color] She had to smile at that - not that he could see it. [color=cyan]"So? What say you?"[/color] he demanded. "I say you watch your tongue," Mai interjected. "My Lady has shown you mercy, and you should respect that." The Witch put out her hand. [color=violet]"It's all right, Mai. Let me handle this."[/color] His was a tempting offer. They were clearly powerful. How powerful, she couldn't determine just yet, but reincarnations often had world-shattering powers. And she wasn't the sort of person to let pride get in the way of a tactical advantage. If there was a clear benefit to bending the knee, she would gladly do so. But that would invert the relationship she was aiming for. She needed them to serve her, not the other way around. She knew what they were up against, and how to fight it. She knew the secrets of the world. These budding warriors hardly where they were, let alone who was guilty or innocent or who they were talking to. [color=violet]"Do you even know where you are?"[/color] she replied, biting back a chuckle. [color=violet]"You speak of 'trust' and 'innocents,' but you barely even know what planet you are on. How bold of you to try and intimidate me by drawing closer."[/color] The Witch took a step closer herself, and gingerly lifted his chin with the tip of her finger. [color=violet]"Lucky for you, I want to get closer. You're quite handsome. If you're inclined to do me harm, make sure to hold me close while you pierce me."[/color] She giggled and released him to his comrade, who came over and grabbed his arm. [color=lightblue]"Listen, I don't like this any more then you do. But I think it's best we take this time to run and think of a plan, ok? I don't think this will be a fight we can win."[/color] He glanced back at the others. [color=lightblue]"Let's get out of here for now. We can't win this fight. I promise you though: we're coming back."[/color] The Witch touched her hand to her heart. [color=violet]"What, am I so repulsive that you cannot wait to be rid of me? I wished only to parley with you. But perhaps this is a bad time. Should I leave and come back another time?"[/color]