[hr][hr][center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180805/88f4ea53271bcf1d43d1efbb1a7e2dda.png[/img] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180925/99b2750631769e59b75ded789e4e9471.png[/img][hr][@Morose][@Nallore][@KazAlkemi][@Kirah][/center][hr][hr] Things were getting hectic, but the group [i]really[/i] needed to get moving. At least upstairs things were starting to look a bit up for the group upstairs at least. The other two were clearly stating that they needed to get moving, and Mary, despite her head injury at this point, was happy to obliged. [color=007236]"One pathway coming up, hopefully anyway,"[/color] she commented, before she held out the tree branch that she still had. Vines immediately shot out and started throwing and shoving the guards out of the way, allowing there to be some access to the door farther ahead. [color=007236]"We need to be careful, since who knows what's on the other side. We might want to wait for the others, but at least this way you can see about getting the door open or something I suppose..."[/color] Yeah, who knew what was waiting for the group on the other side of that door. There probably was going to be chaos, well more chaos, then before. At least they weren't getting shot or whatever anymore. Between Bethany's shield that she had created and the guards back to shooting as if they were Storm Troopers again, they were doing alright. For the group downstairs, they'd be able to make it to the next landing fairly easily, and just one more flight of stairs before they'd reach where the other group was. Rocket was currently just shooting a bunch of guards, and proving to be a fairly accurate shot as several guards went down with just a few shots from his weapon. Probably helped that the raccoon was perched on the tree so he could shoot above everyone and not have problems with friendly fire or anything like that. [color=7ea7d8][i]Guina why were you shot? Do I need to race up there and help out or something? Are you okay?[/i][/color] Pietro was bombarding Guin with a bunch of questions all at once, but it was definitely clear that Pietro was concerned about Guin getting hurt. Though it was still obvious that he was tired and exhausted, and probably would pass out again if he went racing off at super speed at the moment. Lance was currently throwing more prisoners and guards around, and at this point there were [i]a lot[/i] of holes in various walls from where people collided and were sent through. Klara was mainly keeping up with the group, more of just keeping on the defensive as opposed to actually striking out at the guards and prisoners. Of course, there was the instance of the rest of the guards near them. Ed's shield [i]definitely[/i] helped out with this, as many of the shots that were fired their way just harmlessly bounced off of it. However, there was something that wasn't the best, and that was when two bullets [i]punched through[/i] Ed's shield to slam into people within it's boundaries. One of the two unlucky recipients was Ed himself, as a shot would slam into his side, leaving a bit of a burn and causing him to stumble. That wasn't the only thing it did though, as Ed would lose his concentration, and the shield would fall. The other shot would find it's way to Annie, but unlike the shot that had hit Ed, this one wasn't [i]too[/i] bad as it only hit her in the shoulder. All other shots fired off by the guards either went wide, or bounced off the shield while it was still there. Oh the problems with everything, and now people were actually getting injured, but they were almost to their destination at least. [color=FF17F2]"These guys have horrid aim don't they? I thought that they were supposed to be good at this sort of thing... Stopping riots, or even just shooting to kill and actually hitting their target. Like this is beyond bad,"[/color] Klara commented, and she decided that in this instance she was going to send a wave of water swirling about and did decided to hit a few of the guards on the last staircase blocking their way, now they should be able to reach the top landing, in theory anyway provided nothing horrible happens.