[Center][img]https://i.imgur.com/jEO1LFI.png[/img] [color=DEBA42]LOCATION:[/color]The Maw - The Depths [color=DEBA42]WORD COUNT:[/color]1,318(+3 EXP) [color=DEBA42]MENTIONS:[/color] Command Center Group, Moreau [/Center] [hr] Mirage paused his leave, long enough to hear Sakura out. Unfortunately, once she went into the whole Galeemification thing, he kind of spaced out. He stood there and listened, but it was more of a farce as everything went in one ear and out the other. [color=DEBA42]"Oh yeah. Sounds good, kid."[/color] He offered, no actual input coming from him as he decided to leave her to whatever she thought she could do to help Carl. If he could help them too, it'd solve a few of their issues perhaps. Considering the mishmash this place was, he doubted many people understood it's entirety. Especially a robot that's stuck in place, without much around... His plan to head out was interrupted again by a loud thud, marking the attempt the Koopa Troop made to open the door. He winced at the noise, but continued on, surely they'd be fine. Or, at least he hoped, as those doors hadn't budged at all. He noted to find a way to get them open in a hurry, before someone caved their head in hitting the door out of lack of options. Or damaged Carl by pulling the lever. [hr] The workroom proved to be junked out too, but was their best bet for figuring out the situation outside. Mirage scanned for alternative routes that might lead to the command center, but found that the vent in the room was too small for even their child bodies, so that was out. Then he wandered, digging through scraps in an attempt to find a tool or two, perhaps something to try and help Carl a bit, or at least to work on the wiring if need be. Unfortunately, he yield zilch, and instead came across the console that seemed to be the main controls for the area's power distribution. [color=DEBA42]"What the hell..."[/color] He grumbled, noting that someone had nailed in and blocked off most of the terminal access. What a brute way of doing it, but thankfully, Mirage was ready to deliver the brute force back! With a strained growl he attempted to yank the paneling off, with no success. All he could observe and use was a single button, which, despite not being a man of science exactly, he'd use the scientific method to figure out what it did. So he pressed it. He jumped, the door closing startling him. He laughed at Nadia's disgruntled reaction, simply reminding her: [color=DEBA42]"Ah, it's not a big deal, if this is the control for the door then surely pressing it against just opens it."[/color] He pressed the button, with no results. Panicked, he pressed it again. It then turned into Mirage mashing the button frantically, no luck whatsoever. Head ducking down and shoulders rising, his laugh was much more nervous this time. [color=DEBA42]"Isn't that the darndest thing?"[/color] Mirage decided to try and work at accessing the rest of the terminal. Picking up some scrap off the ground, he tried to find a way to pry it open to access everything internally, but his efforts were proving once again to be in vain. That is, until Nadia revealed her findings: A hammerhead, which looked heavier than it was, Mirage only believing his ability to use it once he picked it up himself. [color=DEBA42]"If someone else wants it, they can have it, but I need it for a sec."[/color] He took it to the terminal and pulled out the nails, yielding full operation to the power supply of the local area. [color=DEBA42]"That's weird,"[/color] Mirage spoke, eyeing the power output and noting that Carl wasn't even taking up that much. Where the hell was the rest going, then? Nowhere? This was easier than he thought! With a little work, he was able to override the locked door and divert some of that spare power to the Command Center, giving them a way to move forward. [color=DEBA42]"I guess I overreacted."[/color] He mused, shrugging as he went on-route back to the other Seekers. Anyone who wanted the hammer could simply ask and he'd hand it over: He wasn't one for swinging big things like that around, he'd leave that to the powerhouses. [hr] [color=DEBA42]"Annnd we have power!"[/color] Mirage called triumphantly to the others as he made his return, grin plastered on his face, at least until he looked at Carl. His expression shifted, uncertain if he should be happy, or confused. [color=DEBA42]"Woah, what happened to you? You're all fixed up!"[/color] He was happy with this, but was met with silence. His ignorance from earlier meant he'd spent the time with no knowledge of Sakura's actual efforts on him, and the silence was bothersome. [color=DEBA42]"How'd... He get fixed up? Hey, mister, you still there?"[/color] His knuckles tapped against the robot. No response. Mirage was disgruntled by this. He wasn't sure how it happened, but couldn't take any blame. Carl still had power, and suddenly he was fixed. So where the voice went, he had no idea. [color=DEBA42]"Must've been some program-related defect."[/color] He figured, voicing it out loud. It was a shame, he thought he'd managed to make it so Carl would be okay. But maybe things were better this way. At least they wouldn't have to leave him alone here, right? If he knew more about robots, he'd possibly try and figure out a solution, but that was out of his league. They'd have to move on. He followed after Peach, into the Command Center. Quietly he progressed through the dark location, observing the area that seemed to be lived in somewhat, strangely enough. But since the door was locked, this perhaps felt like more of a prison cell than a home. The diving suits seemed ruined, so they wouldn't do much good. But that submarine was the ticket they came for, so that was one positive in this mess. Looking around more at the simple living space, He wondered who the inhabitant was, which didn't take long to answer as they came across a rather disfigured, nasty looking man. The pathetic reasoning for him not wanting them to leave was surprisingly relatable for Mirage. He liked to make people laugh, but being the butt of a joke could be irritating, too. [color=DEBA42]"Ah, jeez, at least if you let us go you wouldn't be like the last guy. Literally lost to party streamers and a pair of scissors."[/color] You couldn't get much more pathetic than that, right? Mirage didn't think so, but none of their words seemed to truly edge his opinion in a different direction. However, his sickly form eventually found its way into the water, leaving nothing but his odd vomit behind, which Mirage personally wanted nothing to do with. [color=DEBA42]"The optimist in me wants to say he's gone,"[/color] Mirage commented on the events, glancing about. They could get the sub going, and get down into the depths below. But this was a pretty ominous situation to walk into. He seemed to buy that they were just kids though, which was a pretty good advantage in some ways, though his mind bounced back to Sakura and Cadet talking about all their powers and gear. Which he pushed away, as for the moment they were stuck in more of a thinking situation than a brute-forced one. [color=DEBA42]"I feel like he's probably going to try and start some trouble for us. He probably won't expect a bunch of 'kids' in a submarine, though, so let's load up and get this job done before he has a chance to come back."[/color] Oh boy, the sub. Mirage figured he'd get to work on trying to get it lowered. He just hoped some idiot didn't nail down the controls in this place too, or worse. Marching forward, he took note of the Pilot Seat. A quick scan of the wiring and strange appearance of the seat made Mirage realize this wasn't just some chair. He became distracted and started looking it over, noting it seemed to be some sort of work station for controlling... Something, or other. [color=DEBA42]"Hey! This looks like some sort of remote working station. If I use this, I might be able to get control of something useful. At the very least, maybe I can use it to drop the sub."[/color] He didn't see any guides, just a few letters around, initials 'U.H' mostly. So, he'd have to apply the scientific method again. With the hope it wouldn't end up frying his brain, he hopped into the seat and tried to figure out how to hook himself in. At least long enough to see what they were working with here...