595 nodded thanks to Vreta for his plasma sword. She turned towards the door, pointed it at one of the hinges and activated it. A rippling orange blade extended out, white-hot at the cutting edge. It comfortably sliced through the metal, so 595 pushed further, puncturing the glass mesh on the other side. The building was already trying to return to its original state, so 595 delivered a series of savage kicks to the door, sending it crashing through the window. “Thanks.” Osman muttered as Vreta freed her foot. She gave it an experimental twirl. Satisfied, she looked at her subordinate. “Corporal, clear the hole. We’ll be right behind you. Agent, take them.” The Major hefted her gun, collapsing the stock so it was more manageable in tight spaces. The assailants who were now trying to saw through the back door started shooting at the other windows. The energy bolts beat the side of the car like a drum. “Go!” “Tangier One, what is your status, over?” GCHQ crackled over comms. “We’re UNDER ATTACK!” Osman shouted. “Column is immobile - requesting IMMEDIATE support, OVER!” 595 let the Corporal squeeze past her, out of the vehicle and into the lobby. She crawled round so she could see the two scientists in the back. The Agent cleared her throat and assumed her soothing voice. “Hey guys. We’re gonna get you out of here, alright?” Freyr, who was still upside down, nodded furiously. 595 came forward and helped her undo the seatbelt. She crashed to the ceiling of the vehicle, and untidily tried to barge past 595 into the middle. “No, we need Dr Girard too, remember?” The Agent pointed at the other scientist, who was staring groggily around, covered in blood while the saw cut a bright line around the door behind her. “Vreta wants to get in there, so let's get her down shall we?” “Y-yeah, sorry.” Freyr stuttered, grabbing one of Girard’s shoulders. 595 put the researcher’s helmet up, then freed her. Together, they managed her safely down to the floor, then 595 dragged her out of the way so Vreta could get into position. “Dr Girard, are you with us? Do you have any dizziness? Can you follow my finger?” 595 looked at Freyr after a few seconds. “She might have a concussion - you’re going to need to hold onto her for a little while. Can you do that for me?” “I..uh...suppose i could…” “Good. Let's get her out of this vehicle to start with. One, two, aaand over.” They dragged Dr Girard through the freed up middle hatch into the lobby of this building, just when a shower of glass exploded in from the side street entrance. “Hostiles!” The Corporal yelled, opening fire from behind a pillar. Freyr screamed. 595 swore, and chucked Girard back on top of Freyr. Both of the scientists tumbled back into the car. The Agent turned, unholstered her pistol and fired on full auto at the trio of armoured figures pushing into the lobby. From what she could tell, two of them were in the same kind of armour as the ones outside. [url=https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/f54f5a3e-d2b3-4a15-a672-0a6caf59768d.jpg]The other one though, was different[/url]. The armour was more ornate, ceremonial even. The main thing which concerned the Agent right now though, was the bright blue pointed spear in their left hand. A bright halo ringed their right. On the street side, the ejected door sent the saw-wielder clattering to the floor. The gunslinger standing opposite the middle door unclipped a flashbang from their belt and chucked it into the backseat. The third dashed across to take up a position at the back of the car, giving them line of sight down the length of the vehicle. They fired aggressively into the car as they went, while the first soldier scrambled to their feet, shield lighting up.