[b]Reviews[/b]: [hider=Kaya | Watchman] [quote=@Stormflyx] I like in the background that Kaya shows a lot of humanity when it comes to his job when he is confronted with innocence, it makes him question his purpose for a moment. He seems like a very noble character with good intentions, however jumping from protecting his colony to killing multiple reapers might be a big jump, especially with an alcohol habit. Would like to know more about the appearance - any particular visual quirks for example. [/quote] More details regarding Kaya's appearance and his time during the reaper war would be appreciated. [/hider] [hider=Karnoc | Door Crasher] [quote=@Stormflyx] Yeah, I really like this sheet. He's Krogan but you haven't shoved him into the stereotypical Krogan box. You actually layered up a lot of nice touches and added in some things there that were really poetic and beautiful. He feels and reads differently to your other ME characters and I like that. It's nice to switch things up. What I get about Karnoc is that he's very observant of behaviours around him and how that then reflects on him, and more aptly, his species as a whole. He tries to take these positive traits and apply them instead of hating on other races for them. That's really interesting. Overall, this is a solid character, it's very serious but you've added light notes to him as well as some plain humorous ones. I like that. Just a thoughtful piece of work as always. I think Karnoc will actually be Sol's first friend. [/quote] [/hider] [hider=John | Sigma] Wow, our poor vanguard really went through the wringer. You've shown very clearly that Sigma is a survivor, from appearance to mentality to his flaws. He's a great example of how the average kid, the average soldier and the average experiment often gets left out in the grander schemes of the galaxy. His aesthetics tie in well with his background, and his flaws are quite appropriate given his experiences. In addition, Sigma is going to be a valuable member of the team as a vanguard. We just need to see a little more in Sigma's outlook and background. How did his biotic skills evolve during his career? What's his take on the wider galaxy while working for Eclipse? Any thoughts of his father, now he's back on Earth? [/hider] [hider=Keslia | Paladin] It is cool to see the combination of asari and turian values explored through Lia's background. The dynamics between species is often talked about in the games, but not often presented through a personal lens like you did here. Her evolution, growth and gradual emotional decay make Lia's history a compelling read. Lia nicely embodies what an asari commando would be in the current situation. Although she's on the winning side, what people would assume as a successful career weighs heavily on her psyche. At the end of the day, you've made it eveident she just wants to go home. It'll be fun to see how she interacts with the rest of us. [/hider] [hider=Janiri | Tech] An asari with no biotic skills is rare and super fascinating. Add in the ardat-yakshi spectrum, and you've got something truly unique. What makes Jan amazing is not only the novelty, but a relatable story and well-developed personality. Her experiences with isolation and online social interaction are especially relevant given the current OOC world. IC-wise, her tech-focused sentinel skills will absolutely come in handy. The inclusion of a farm net as the submission net power is ingenious. Well done! [/hider] [hider=Kysar | Venator] Kysar's childhood, training, imprisonment and military service all shaped him in unique ways. His outlook is a very realistic blend of pragmatism and idealism; honoring tradition and family yet unafraid to take out whatever's in his way. The surprise twists make Kybar's story an exciting read. Having to report to Invectus will surely give Kysar some interesting objectives. It'll be fun to see how he balances his comradery among our group with his commitments to the turian command. His loyalty mission should be a blast! [/hider] [hider=Solveig | Wraith] Ah, sweet cousin Sol. What a cool way to integrate astrology and tarot themes into her background; truly a standout part of her sheet. Solveig's mommy issues are a pivotal part of her struggles, which is balanced nicely from the spirituality provided by her father. She pulls off the lone wolf infiltrator with a lot of humanity, while avoiding the cliche of edgy sociopaths. Looks like this infiltrator isn't afraid to strong-arm her through things. Her introspective and analytical personality doesn't just create complex social interactions, but also gives her unique advantages and disadvantages in battle. [/hider] [hider=Oslo | Ace] The conflict is real with this one. Not only is he scarred by Cerberus' "upgrades", but his insecurities and lack of belonging also make for compelling flaws. You've made an intriguing ex-Cerberus character and an engineer with valuable skills to the team. However, we believe Oslo's story can be better expanded in areas such as his indoctrination and implants. Him being a cyborg may also be slightly difficult given the potential damage from the crucible, and hiding his true nature can be awkward when working with the rest of the cast. [/hider] [hider=Tamás | Huszár] Tamás is very much a motivated individual. You did a good job shining light on what's behind his motivations. His background has strong ties to galactic events. His skills and weaknesses match up perfectly with his work and trauma. While Tamás' sheet is excellent overall, his appearance can be more detailed. He has a precise direction for what needs to be done, though this direction can be singular and might not fit with the rest of the group. [/hider]