With everything happening around them, Vreta’s responses had to be on point. They could not afford mistakes right now. This kind of fighting was not really his specialization, but in that, Rhia proved to be a remarkable help. With all the tactical feedback Rhia was providing for him, it did seem like she had a surprising amount of combat experience, even for an AI. She knew just what was important to highlight and when, along with recommendations that demonstrated a kind of intuition that could not simply be programmed. Now that their car had a few exits, Vreta’s echolocation could now give him some additional vision again. Rhia was already marking targets once more, though her vision would be more limited until he left the vehicle entirely. From the street, she marked two hostiles that were close enough to be an immediate threat, while there were at least three behind them in the building. They needed to focus most of their efforts on securing their escape route, but they could not simply ignore the hostiles from the other side either. For Rhia, a plan presented itself as soon as she identified a flashbang being thrown in from the street. “Help the Agent!” Vreta shouted to Osman. Grabbing the flashbang, he held it under his own body to protect his allies from most of its light and sound. Just as it was about to go off, Rhia briefly darkened his visor completely and blocked out all outside sound from his helmet so he would not experience any effects from the flashbang. It did detonate with some explosive force, though not nearly enough to threaten his armor. Once the flashbang went off, Rhia knew the hostiles would be pushing aggressively. They would expect their targets to be stunned, disoriented, and vulnerable, so this was the time to strike. She resumed Vreta’s sensory input, then advised him to push his advantage. Rothian weaponry was highly advanced and equally powerful, so when in combat with other species, Rothians usually operated their weapons at a lower power level. Ideally, it would be just enough to breach their opponents’ defenses, which would allow them to conserve energy and keep it powered for more shots. However, right now, Rhia kept Vreta’s weapon at [i]full[/i] power; something normally reserved for damaging armored vehicles. Until she had more data on the quality of their enemies’ defensive capabilities, she wanted to make [i]sure[/i] his shots would put them down. In that moment, Vreta pushed aggressively enough that he was able to get a shot on the first soldier before he was fully back on his feet, then quickly transitioned to the second target. Since Rhia had his targets constantly marked, he could aim before the target came into view, then shoot the moment his weapon had a clear line of sight. An advantage of the scattershot firing mode was that the individual plasma shots arrived at slightly different times. An energy shield, even if it was depleted completely by a shot, would generally prevent the first projectile from causing harm, so a rifle would have to fire again to make the kill. Scattershot weapons could potentially deplete a shield and make the kill in a single blast. Even so, Vreta still fired two quick shots each for his second and third target. Regardless of how many hostiles might be on the street side of the car, Vreta still intended to back off and help with their escape right away. He had just needed to make sure they would not get surrounded from both sides too quickly.