It was a strange feeling, walking through the aftermath of carnage, their party somewhat muted in thought. Above the din of roaring flames, the crackling of burning wood, the goblin soldiers chattered as they scurried about their business. MacKensie had to step aside as a goblin went past them, pulling a cart piled high with corpses. She did this in abject silence, jaded by the rollercoaster ride they'd all just been on, since waking up in the coffins. An entire city. In flames. So many dead around her. Hundreds. Thousands, probably. And here they were, walking out with nary a scratch. MacKensie felt a little guilty, but moreso she was curious. Why were they special? And how could she help? If she was going to be stuck here, then she did want to help. No use planning a new life in a new world, when said-world's existence was under threat. MacKensie pursed her lips. Yes. There had to be some political and military power out there, still capable of standing up to the Witch. If she could just find out where they were, that would be a start. Her thoughts were interupted when someone appeared beside her and cleared their throat. To her pleasant surprise, it was Dexter. "Thank you for not leaving me behind, pretty lady." She opened her mouth to reply, but he was suddenly bashful and it took her aback, her raising her eyebrows. "I mean your uh-your a very nice per-uh..." She tiredly chuckled and smiled, realising what this was. It wasn't the first time a boy had been stumbly and nervous around her. "Thank you, Dexter," she said politely, hesitating before patting him softly on the back. It was a strange duality, the kid being so weirdly cuddly and cute, but also the glaring fact he was a monster. "I'm glad you came with us," she said, watching the emotional big-hearted David making sure the swordsman was okay, half-listening to the older man crack dry remarks about the Witch. This was the rag-tag bunch she found herself with... and to be honest, it could've been a lot worse. Her smiled grew a little, before it disappeared. "We won't let anyone hurt you, okay?" she assured Dexter. MacKensie realised the sound of metal-booted footsteps had remained ever-present in her ears. She turned around to that the huge, hulking knight that had torn the retreating goblins to ribbons, was stalking behind them. She quickly realised that this knight had come out of the coffins too. He was one of them too. [i]Well,[/i] she thought as she turned face front. [i]That's a relief.[/i] When they finally stepped out of the city, everyone introduced themselves, MacKensie joining in for the sake of Robert, who wasn't there the first time. They agreed to go to Robert's home where they could rest and eat. MacKensie's stomach started grumbling ferociously at the promise of a fish supper. Yakeru had already started asking the questions on all of their minds, and MacKensie stayed vigilant for the answers as they travelled. When an opportunity arose, MacKensie asked her own questions, and as she asked, she realised that the answer to them, had become more important to her than most of the giant pile of mysteries at her feet. "Who is left to oppose the Witch and her army?" and "What do their chances look like?"