[h3] Cason[/h3] Cason stood from the side of the bed where he had been sitting, glancing down at Annabeth one more time, as Sam stepped up to be near her. With her chest wounds healed, she seemed a bit calmer than before. He pulled his bloody hands up in front of his face, before turning toward the bathroom. “I’ll be back. I trust that you can handle her for five seconds, this time…”, he muttered at Sam, before entering the bathroom behind Esme. He raised an eyebrow at her appearance, almost wanting to reach out to make sure the poor girl didn’t smash her face on the tile, but his hands were covered in blood, “Um. I need the sink for a second. Are you gonna make it? I owe you one…” [h3] Annabeth [/h3] Annabeth touched her chest, which was now just covered in blood with no real wounds visible to account for the blood. She took a deep and shuddered breath, thankful that most of the pain seemed to go away. Even the pain in her eyes seemed to go away, for the most part, other than the pain of her brain not understanding there were no eyes. As she felt Sam’s presence and touch once more, she gave a weak smile, squeezing his hand, not quite aware of the amount of blood she was smearing on him. “Hey…”, she whispered weakly, “Are you okay? I didn’t see much of what happened at the school, but they didn’t hurt you, did they?” She sat up carefully, pulling her hand away from him long enough to place it on the bed below her and pull herself from the sticky sheets. Now that she was eye to eye with Sam (as much as she could be with his size), she could sense his shape in front of her. It wasn’t quite like seeing, but rather a faint shape of him, and his hair, and a bright blue illuminating behind him. Smirking, she reached out and ran a mostly dry finger down his cheek, to emphasize her worry for him. [h3] Dean Winchester [/h3] Dean covered his head, staring as best he could through the damage coming down around them as the being forced the door open and began walking in. As each light shattered above, and the sparks began to reveal a man, Dean’s mind went into overdrive, attempting to figure out what weapon to attack this thing with first. He shuddered with a slight fear, holding Ruby’s knife tightly in his hand. As the man approached him, and got close enough, Bobby shot the man in the back with a shotgun. The blast did absolutely nothing. Dean stared at Bobby with wide eyes. Bobby nodded to him, with equally wide eyes, trailing his eyes down to the knife as the man spoke. Dean mustered up every ounce of courage he had, and stepped forward, shoving the knife into the man’s heart. Also realizing it wasn’t doing anything. He narrowed his eyes, before gasping. “What the hell are you?”