[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210416/4f3f90b79ce6f54b7b8b7206153588a4.png[/img][/center] [sup][right]tags: [@JessieTargaryen][/right][/sup][hr] [b]"Oho? I got plenty of beauty sleep last night. Can you not tell?"[/b] The white haired woman laughed, striking an exaggerated pose as best she could with the kimono in her arms. Otherwise she stayed quiet as she awaited Fumiko's opinion, anticipation clear on her face, if a little dramatic. Though neither choice could be wrong, Sumiko nodded along in agreement once the decision was made like she'd expected that outcome all along. [b]"Excellent choice as always, Fumi-chan,"[/b] she said, sounding quite pleased. Sumiko gently replaced the green garment, then held the purple close to her and spun in place as though she were dancing with a partner. [b]"[i]Purple[/i], mysterious, noble and spiritual. Specifically, this is [i][color=#8D608C]hashita-iro[/color].[/i] The color is made from [i]murasaki[/i] plants, and the threads woven silk. [i]Aah,[/i] I'd love to try my hand at weaving something myself some time!"[/b] Sumiko slowed her turns, the motion transforming into a soft swaying. She smiled at her friend. [b]"I was thinking the scale pattern might be a little [i]direct[/i], but it always goes over well with the crowd."[/b] Without further ado she carefully laid the kimono on the table, and went to rummage for a suitable cover to carry it in. The hastily cleaned up room was gradually returning to a more familiar state as Sumiko opened a sliding closet and pulled things out. Boxes to sort through, hangers removed, examined, and lightly tossed to the side. Eventually one cover seemed to satisfy her, and she began wrapping the kimono in it. When Fumiko brought up asking for some extra help, all the white haired woman thought at first was, [i]good idea![/i] 'Many hands make light work,' or so the saying went didn't it? Before Sumiko could say as much, Fumiko went on. The more excuses she made, the faster Sumiko's expression morphed into a knowing grin. When she turned back to the young Takamori, the poor girl could see a hint of mischief in Sumiko's eyes. [b]"That's the only reason, I'm sure,"[/b] she said, her voice light and teasing. Did their little Fumiko have a crush? She'd have a lot of competition, apparently a lot of the village girls had a thing for Tsubasa. Some of the village boys too. Sumiko let out a goodnatured laugh at her friend's flustered words, scooping one of the crates of supplies off of the ground and depositing it into Fumiko's hands. [b]"It's not a bad idea though. Everything is ready to move, we just have to move it!"[/b] Of course between bundles of cloth, parchments, paints, brushes, and everything else that Sumiko deemed necessary, it would be easier said than done. Sumiko herself stood with her hands on her hips in the midst of the middle of it all with a can-do grin. That smile had promised many things, and this morning it promised to get everything delivery on time. [b]"Well, almost everything. I need to gather up the matched hair pieces, but that won't take long."[/b] Her smile was still in place when she turned away again, diving into the drawer of a little vanity. It was a dark wooden thing, not the typical make of Heiseina's craftsmen, and the little scratches here and there proved it was put to good use. [b]"You can go ahead if you want. I wouldn't want to get in the way of you and [i]strong, handsome[/i] Tsubasa-san,"[/b] she giggled over her shoulder. If the young man agreed to help out then they'd make short work of moving everything, but if not it was no big deal - there had been years when Sumiko carried everything to and fro by herself, so she was confident it would get done with time to spare. Although, she would be lying if she said she didn't appreciate the help. [i]Ah ha![/i] she raised an arm in triumph, a shimmering hair piece held between her fingers. The rest of the accessories would follow soon enough. [b]"You know Fumi-chan, you should show off a little more,"[/b] the younger Hayashi sister said suddenly. Her eyes were still focused on her search, though her grin had melted to something a little softer. [b]"Perform in the festivals sometime. I'm sure you would do great."[/b] Her gaze flickered over to Fumiko. [b]"It would draw you some attention too. You know, catch the eye of a certain someone!"[/b]