Curiosity. Excitement. Paranoia (mild). These mixed feelings clouded the Turian’s mind as he rode in the skycar, en route to the Bachjret District. And most of the journey was spent in his own head. He rewinded the message he received and how it was addressed to his full name. Only a select few knew he was on the Citadel. After you got set up by your own father and your whole unit was sent into a death trap, trust wasn’t in high demand and him being here was on a need-to-know basis. As far as Sivus was concerned, the only person who needed to know that Sivus Veritas was on the Citadel, working as a CI for C-Sec was Sivus Veritas. So how did this person know? How could they have known who he was? The first thought he had was this might be a trap. He considered that to be very likely, especially since he had fallen for it before. And since that fateful day on Omega, SIvus made it a personal mission of his to recognize the signs. But with this message, which he kept repeating in his head, didn’t indicate anything close to it being Family Betrayal 2: Citadel Boogaloo. And that’s why he was riding in this skycar. And why he saw the Livilla Towers come into view. Sivus decided the best way to find answers was to see what this was all about. If this was truly the day he was going to die, then it’s a good thing he wore his best armor and brought his pistol and assault rifle that had saved his ass more times than he can count on his hands. “And we’re here, Tur-Clan.” Sivus stared up at Kav-Esh, a volus. It was strange for him to see a volus be a skycar driver, but it wasn’t the strangest occurrence in his life. [color=steelblue]“Right on, uh --Kav-Esh, was it?”[/color] Kav-Esh’s sigh of annoyance was echoed due to his suit and helm. “Correct, Tur-Clan.” As a moment and a half of silence passed, Sivus scratched the back of his head until he decided to give his patient driver a tip almost twice what the meter said. It only seemed right since he was obviously rude to him. And he didn’t want word getting around that the new Turian on the block was cheap. Okay, maybe he wasn’t new. He’s been to the Batia District a few times. Some Batarians knew him because his CI work frequently forced him into unsavory company, but he didn’t need to worry about running into them by the tower. It wasn’t like the Batarians he helped put away were getting released anytime soon. Right? Right! Sivus made his way through the entrance to the towers and, after a brief exchange with the man at the desk, a few moments spent in the elevator paled in comparison when the moment of truth had come. When he entered the code on the console and the apartment door slid open, which had been around the same time that he heard someone shriek -- a human female’s voice by the sound of it -- screech worse than a Krogan battlecry (yes those are unpleasantly tolerable at most), Sivus just knew this was going to be fun. [color=steelblue]“Guess the party’s in here,”[/color] Sivus noted with a smirk. He gave the room a once-over. Between the Quarian, a bearded human, an attractive human female, and an Asari, he figured it was the unexpected delight in the Vorcha that seemed to be the source of that scream. [color=steelblue]“Man just when I think I’ve seen it all.”[/color] He let his eyes scan the room and he felt an underwhelming feeling pass through his body. [color=steelblue]“Tiny place and a lot of people.”[/color] When he set his bags down, he cracked into a chuckle. [color=steelblue]“Name’s SIvus Ritas, by the way. I’m what you call a lifesaver. Need someone to break into a warehouse without being noticed? I’m your guy. Need someone to shoot pirates and other scummy criminals? I’m your guy. Need someone to get you so blacked-out drunk you can’t even remember where you are? Meet me at Haven and you’ll experience a good time that you never thought was possible.”[/color]