Aster panted in exileration at the narrow avoidance of the legendary pokemon, glad that Eclorians plan worked without a hitch. As Eclorian called Asashi for our next task, Aster examined the beautiful moltres feather he had gathers. "Should've grabbed a second." He whispered to himself, hoping to have one for himself as a momento. [color=a36209]"Mount Coronet?"[/color] Eclorian said to Asashi as he talked about his Magnezone. Mount Coronet? Wheres that? Eclorian looked at Aster as he was lost in thought. [color=a36209]"What do you say, shall we find this guy at the mountain while we're here anyway? It's supposed to be this place of legend, where time and space meet. Who knows, the Project is luring us towards another legendary Pokemon!"[/color] Asters ears perked up at that. Time ... and Space? "A place where time and space meet? Where there's possibly another legendary pokemon? You'd have to stop me from following you!"