[h2]Esme Stirling[/h2] As Cason washed his hands, Esme leaned her head back against the wall but made sure she could still monitor him. When he finished and turned to her with a grin, she raised an eyebrow. As he spoke, she listened and studied him. He appeared to be truthful. But then again, she was pretty much a human lie detector. She almost laughed when he told her to consider him in her debt. A demon in the debt of a hunter, now that was something. That could either be a good thing or a bad thing because who knows when it could go bad and bite you in the ass. Esme looked at him with her brow still raised as he tried to prove that he was serious. All she could do at this moment was let it play out and see where it went. When Cason poked his head out the door and held his hands up as if she would fall, she couldn’t help but roll her eyes a bit. She sighed heavily at his words to the others. She pushed herself off the wall and stumbled a bit. “I said I’m fine!” she snapped at Cason. Though the quick movement was a bad idea, her vision blurred, and she became light-headed. “Hellfire.” she mumbled, as she reached for something to grab a hold of. She could feel nothing close and soon felt herself falling towards the tile floor.