Iris felt his hand on her thigh, and it reminded her just how close they had been, how excited they had once been when they had both pushed down all the trauma they had faced and focused on them and their relationship. For a brief moment she missed that, missed the way they would enjoy one another’s company and be so in love that all their problems seemed like nothing. Not like now when she was barely keeping it together and she was certain that Cas was struggling whether he admitted it to her or not and she certainly wasn’t helping the matter currently. [color=f49ac2]“I’m just worried that we are both from two very different worlds Cas, I don’t want us drifting apart either.”[/color] Biting her lip as she placed her hand over his that rested on her thigh, she didn’t want things to end badly between them as she cared deeply for him. [color=f49ac2]“But… what if I’m not good enough for you?”[/color] It was easy for her to say that he was a King, and she was just some girl from the districts who nearly caused a bigger war with her actions. [color=f49ac2]“I’m sorry, I can’t have been much fun to talk too lately.”[/color] Sighing to herself as she shook her head just knowing that her mood had changed from when they had first met. Iris wasn’t the same funny girl who’d crack jokes or giggle at his attempts of being funny. Everything just felt different lately, there wasn’t much she could be happy about apart from the fact she had her life. Maybe staying at the palace with him would be better, she’d certainly have more things to do to keep her occupied and knowing that she’d get to see Cas every night would also be a relief. Hesitating on the idea of eating she hadn’t really thought about it, she could see how hard he was trying, and she knew she couldn’t say no to him. Not when she knew she had let him down already, at least she could put a smile back on his face by trying for him. Plus, it wouldn’t be so bad, she had company to eat with and it wasn’t like she’d be alone so there was more point to it.[color=f49ac2] “Eh… are you sure you want to rummage through all of that? Some of it is probably nasty.” [/color]Reaching out she took his hand as she stood up to follow, there may be a few okay choices, but she wasn’t hopeful. [color=f49ac2]“It probably doesn’t beat the food you have back at home.”[/color] Trying to smile at her little joke, trying to ease the waters from all the misery she had opened up to him about. Maybe they could just brush that one under the carpet and enjoy each other’s company before he had to go back to his Kingly duties and then the cycle would repeat again. It was bad of her to think negatively of it, but she could just feel it that they’d have a few good calls and things would start to slip back to how it had been, forgetting to call one another or falling asleep. [color=f49ac2]“I’ll try to eat something.”[/color]