Lorcan was about to deliver a rough reply about cleaning one's ears towards whomever had asked about the Skayleigh's urge for a distraction, but before his words had ever had a chance to leave his mouth he could also see a figure move past him. An eerily familiar figure whose identity turned Lorcan's face into a test rig whether one's eyeballs could actually fall out by too much staring. [i]Emma...[/i] he could not remember the second part. [i]Could you perhaps consider asking the others first ?[/i] Tagging her as 'fucking moron', Lorcan quickly realized that Emmaline's action would not allow the rest of the party to prepare much. [i]What's the damn purpose of a distraction if you don't have any kind of action in the back of your hand to actually make use of it ?[/i] For the Skayleigh it came accross as a pretty bad move, but it would be even more of a dick move to abandon Emmaline now, using her as a distraction to just escape the overall situation. Sure he could, thereby probably greatly boosting his personal chances of survival, but what would his conscience say about it afterwards ? So Lorcan launched his own move. No time for discussing this with Mr. Dwarf or any of the other unknown variables that were his companions, but instead he had to do in a hurry now what he had originally planned to do with much greater care: circle around the village and approach the men with crossbows from behind... or from the side at least. Starting to crawl along, Lorcan could only hope that at least some of the others would come to the same conclusion. However the very first few yards of crawling on soil littered with leaves and branches made clear to him that both his current equipment -- that was the rattling chain of his manacle -- and skill were no match for the task of combining speed and stealth in this environment. He'd have to think of something easier, quicker to reach, and redirected his eyes towards a nearby tree. Then back towards the ruined village in an attempt to see what the bandits were doing and if they were looking at his direction, then back to the tree again. [i]This will have to do... If there are any lumberjacks around here I'm screwed![/i] He crawled a little bit further until he was at a position where his line of vision towards the bandits was blocked by a building of the village. There'd be no point if those bandits would be able to see how he turned into something else. And then, there it suddenly was, a brand-new... well whatever fucking non-Hurlgim species of tree this was next to him. As long as he would be able to maintain a halfway proper replica of it's visual appearance (albeit a lot smaller) everything was good! "Stop! I told you to stop, bitch!" Lorcan inserted a brief, artificial pause into the words he yelled before continuing: "Oh damn why do women always have to think with their fucking curves while you claim we'd do it with the thing between our legs! STOP! Or I'll make you fuck a duck once I got you!" Hopefully that was enough to give the impression that Emmaline had indeed some kind of pursuer on her tail that was about to emerge from the woods a few yards away from the rest of the group. Now if just one of those bandits would come here to check... or better more than one. As long as he would not have attracted the attention of too many men everything would be good, right ? Otherwise... Faeril and those around him would better start moving... and he'd have to continue acting like a tree that had suddenly learned to keep its mouth firmly shut. [hider=Rolls] Attempt to reach the position near the tree without being seen: Stealth 4 ([url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/rolls/21822]#21822[/url]) Fool the bandits into believing there's more potentially hostiles to come while standing around as a fake tree: Deception 7 ([url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/rolls/21823]#21823[/url]) [/hider]