[@supertinyking] Meredith was trying to rein herself, repeating mentally the mantra of the last weeks, as she waited for Luigi. She... had a thing about rejection, and could not believe Luigi had stood up her. She refused to believe the boy who had chose to change his appeareance to be more bearable, and to ignore the school gaps had abandoned her so. Tiny by tiny the gears on her mind drew, as the ... manchild of St Laurel's, her fellow student, made those smug remarks. She had heard such before, in the hands of a boy-girl... who was ten times the danger of this one, and even then, she could break that one. Turns out, the wait proved her right. Now right there, stood the boy who had not minded her, incredibly broken and maimed, but still alive and wheezing. Her heart sank a little. How could she not. She had been a very bad girl. She had tried to kill people, but this petty little man was no better. She smiled candidly at Luigi, drawing a tender hand across her cheek. "Oh, it's not a bother at all..." She smiled. "It must have been tiring to keep up to my standards. But we made through the party." She said. "Still,you're...in no state of dress. Please go get changed." She said, dismissing Luigi as she walked up to Marty, her smile still graceful. She walked slowly towards marty, the incompetent bully witch nowhere was to be found. Prbably busy laughing to herself. "Looks like he could pull yourself together, Marty." She said. "What about you?" The demonic energies within Meredith flared once more, like the hellfire that sustained her half-demonic life. She had always tried to reconcile her aberrant cravings with a normal lifestyle, and now that she was about to succeed... by leaving her first friend... alone and finding a boyfriend, something happened. Something always happened. She didn't care about getting expelled. Not any longer. "How dare you do that to my man." She said. "Hell hath no fury..." She then dashed at Marty, claws at the ready, exuding a pulse of demonic energy so intense anything who got to her would surely get burnt. She didn't even notice Wolf was near hear. That probably was a first. [hr] Diana for the most part had gotten her bearings, and given that the party had not ended entirely horribly she was somewhat...sorrowful, but not despaired. And then she realized she had spoken too soon, as that half-succubus had given to her temper again. Well, normally this wasn't the business of hers, but Meredith could be pretty dangerous if provoked, she knew that first hand. A shadow towered her. "Rowdy individuals may be quenched with riot foam." Said the...tone of Melanie. "You may acquire as such inside my space." Riot Foam? It wouldn't stop her, but definitely would help Diana weather the tide before the binding of Meredith could be done properly. Grimacing, she crossed the threshold... [i]"Will you walk into my parlour?" said a spider to a fly; 'Tis the prettiest little parlour that ever you did spy."[/i] A familiar voice greeted her. The missing soul...had been there all along. "Hello Bellissima. Mind if you take the role of the princess inside the castle? Compliance is not required." said the ghost of Celestine, as Diana cursed under her breath.