Jon nodded in agreement as he started to scan the metallic surface, his kryptonian eyes peering past the metal and into the inner workings of the crazed weather machine. Part of him still ultimately wanted to just pulverize the machine and be done with it but Raimi's own suspicious agreed with his own hunches. For several moments Jon contemplated the machine's inner designs before locating what he believed housed the main power generator. The interior was large enough for a person to maneuver around inside.. clearly part of the design. It was difficult to tell if there was internal defenses but he was confident that there was nobody else on the inside so that was a plus. [color=0054a6]"There's enough space for you to travel the inside. I'll move this thing towards the ocean and away from Gotham while you see what you can do on the inside."[/color] Jon then gazed downward before plunging a fist through the metallic surface before ripping a sizable hole on the metal surface. It was a decent show of strength but more importantly, such a small blow shouldn't affect the overall integrity of the machine's hull. [color=0054a6]"There's your door. The main power source shouldn't be too far. I'll be careful but you need to move quick as I move this thing. The longer we take, the more people get hurt down there."[/color] Jon took a step back as he surveyed his surroundings once more. The hurricane like winds and violent lightning strikes would have proved to be quite a deterrent to most... but he wasn't most. Jon walked over to the closest edge and gave Raimi once more subtle nod in acknowledgement, having no choice but to trust she would do her part before stepping off, letting gravity pull him downwards. Hail harmlessly bounced of his body and the sharp winds cut at him to no avail as Jon identified a proper position to move the grand object. With a quick burst of acceleration that sent the air around him blowing away, Jon placed himself right against the machine's main body. With a small exhale Jon placed his hands along the structure and began to apply force. At first nothing happened as Jon had to try and delicately balance his strength, trying to find the right sweet spot to ensure he could move the object but at the same time not accidently crush it. After several tense movements, the machine began to move... it was slow at first but from the ground looking up, one would notice the weather machine gradually getting guided over the ocean and away from Gotham.