Name: Dalkalo Age: Presumably 30 Gender: Unknown, presumably male Appearance:[hider=Dalkalo] [img][/img][/hider] Profession: Navigator History: Dalkalo used to live on “ExoDaus Plageus” the inhospitable planet of the Beriyl II System. He was alive before the solar flare that caused the noxious gas that poisoned the inhabitants. At it’s current state, it is extremely lethal to other humans and most alien life, but for Dalkalo and other inhabitants, he requires it to live off planet. He spent his early years as a cartographer before turning to the stars. He originally wanted to be a pilot for the Intergalactic Security Force, but due to his suit, he was forced into a more passive role. He excelled in school for being able to operate the navigational equipment on most large freighters, battleships, and cruisers. He has a keen eye for plotting the most efficient hyperdrive lanes and is known for becoming obsessive over what is around or could be around him or his ship. His last job ended abruptly when two engineers caused their hyperdrive system to malfunction and erupt while still docked at station. Dalkalo along with two other were recovered but only he survived. The shockwave caused him to have mental anxiety and hallucinations of his prior friends moments before the explosion. Despite all of this, he still managed to get a new job for a new captain.