Runa did her best with the sudden surge of popularity the Final Five enjoyed. Generally speaking, this involved spending a lot of time rehearsing for interviews with Iphie or some of the Five's other support staff. It's almost like they didn't quite trust her on her own. Still, for someone who just wanted to be a normal teenager at least some of the time, it was that much more extra pressure. She was nothing if not adaptable, though, and at least had the sense to make her official public appearances in an armored form or with a mask of some sort obscuring her face. She could probably go much further to conceal her identity, though if everyone knows she's some sort of shapeshifter, who's going to guess that she actually looks like herself? She was pretty sure her friends at school hadn't caught on yet, although talking about herself and the rest of the Final Five as if she didn't know them was probably even worse than the big TV appearances and similar. At least she hadn't seen any licensed products based on anyone. Yet. She also had resisted the urge to invite her friends over to hang out at their new base of operations. And that, too, was really tempting. Or a big party. They had so much room in the new place, it'd be great. She was beginning to think Mason was psychic, though ,since every time she even thought about that sort of thing, he was around to give her a sternly disapproving look and stave things off for another week or two. Maybe if Sarah decided she really, really needed to meet her personal hero, or something. The meeting was late enough that Runa wasn't the typical early morning teenage zombie. Not that it stopped her from consuming a truly alarming amount of breakfast at the table. Already late for school, might as well live it up before she got in trouble for showing up after half the day had gone by or something. By the time the dossiers had been handed out, she had finished her third plate of pancakes and bacon. "I kinda feel like some of these support guys won't be able to help me directly too much, you know? Like, I just grow whatever I need most of the time. So unless they can find a way to make an outfit that won't get torn whenever I do my stuff, not sure what i could really use. And I never get sick as it is." She shrugs. Some of the Five's current science team's got plenty of research on her already, hopefully the new doctor wouldn't want even more. "What kind of leads we got, though? Anything cool?" She eagerly pawed through those particular dossiers when they came her way. Got to figure out the best option so she can lobby everyone else for it in case they're missing her unique sense of adventure. Maybe there's something with more space monsters, or another trip into orbit.