[h3]Narkissa Langdon[/h3] [@Rune_Alchemist] [@Crimson Paladin] They didn’t find anything outright objectionable about the barricaded door, so Narkissa also helped with clearing out the debris blocking the door. She had felt a bit of a breeze, to boot, which was promising as far as things were concerned. Sure, it could be a ventilation shaft, but she didn’t feel like that was something the temple builders had ever thought to build. Especially when she actually got a glimpse of the gruesome scene that was on the other side of the door. It was a prison… or a torture chamber, even, considering the presence of the unremoved skeletons. More concerning, however, was the black blob that existed against one of the walls in the chamber. Dangerous, clearly, but she had dealt with one before… and this one looked scared, for some reason? [b] “Sure… the big one I thought had some sort of intelligence too, I suppose. Like an animal’s.” [/b]She gave her own observations to Novak, frowning as he seemed to seriously go down that train of thought.[b] “Are you daft? I wouldn’t get so close to that thing like that without your guard up…” [/b] She clicked her tongue as Novak attempted to lure it with the meat, taking up a position to defend themselves with her own sword or some magic if it did lash out.