[@PaulHaynek] [@Restalaan] (YNG) [quote]"Ey, what you suggest?" Yang discreetly turned towards Kira[/quote] [color=a187be]"H-Huh? You.....seriously....asking me....that question?"[/color], Kira responded, panting from exertion it took to power her attack. Upon realizing she was hitting fewer and fewer soldiers, the flygirl reasoned that Yang succeeded in defeating the leader and the rest of the caravan lost morale and spirit, choosing to retreat and leave their captain behind. As such, she ended her assault and skidded to a stop near Yang, fairly exhausted due to [i]Sonic Barrage's[/i] costly mana consumption. [color=a187be]"Hell no. Bad enough we...took part in a raid that.....devolved into a battle....where both sides took heavy losses. Why add anymore to it?"[/color], the flygirl continued, her tone certain and adamant. The very idea of murdering someone disgusted her to no end. Though, from the way some of the rebels behaved during the fight, they wouldn't hesitate in ending someone's life, let alone an enemy soldier. [color=a187be]"How about this: We take her back to camp and let Maria have the final word on what to do. It was her raid, so it's her decision, not ours."[/color] Hopefully, this proposal would let she and Yang not have any involvement [b]if[/b] Maria and the rebels did decide to go with killing the captain and if word got around, it wouldn't follow back to the Guild.