And the answers were starting to come. [color=CF61E1]”Ah, hi there. Finally someone, I was starting to worry I had the wrong address or something.”[/color] she swung her feet off the windowsill and got up to give Arthur’s hand a firm shake with a friendly smile, [color=CF61E1]”Lantea T’Keli. Room over there is free, grab the best bed before more people show up.”[/color] she gestured toward the second bedroom door with her left hand just as Key entered the apartment. [color=CF61E1]”Aaaaand here’s another, like- Wait, Bucket? What are you-?”[/color] she paused, realizing her mistake and turning back to Arthur, [color=CF61E1]”Nevermind, different Quarian with a green rag. But what she said, what’s your shtick? Not regular military or cop, they don’t let those grow big, beautiful beards like that. Does your helmet even seal properly?”[/color] she continued with a smile as she flicked her wrist surrounded by a blue glow, hurling the empty noodle box into the trash bin on her way to the couch. She sprang right back to her feet no more than a few seconds after she sat down, her hand stopping just short of drawing her Stiletto when she realized the Vorcha introduced himself politely and without drooling. [color=CF61E1]”Son of a bitch, the legends were true. There are Vorcha with more than two brain cells bouncing around the inside of their skull, picture that.”[/color] the Asari grinned as she sat back down, postponing any further introductions until more people arrived. The sight of Sivus, on the other hand, was a very welcome one. If her previous experiences were anything to go by, a Turian might bring some order and discipline into the group, an important thing to have when setting up a new team. His drinking comment made Lantea chuckle. [color=CF61E1]”If I had ten credits for every time I heard that, I’d be retiring by now. I’m Lantea, I guess I’m here to take fire so the lot of you don’t have to.”[/color] she got up to shake Sivus’ and Liyah’s hands, leaning closer to the latter with a subtle nod toward Osum, [color=CF61E1]”Don’t worry about that, they’re short-lived, it’ll be gone in a decade or so.”[/color] she whispered.