[h2]Esme Stirling[/h2] Esme continued to fight against her nightmare till the early hours of morning. Her nightmare was once again about the death of her family, but this time she was there, watching it all unfold, and was helpless to stop it. The death of her family had relentlessly haunted her sleep since it had happened, hardly ever letting her have a decent night's sleep. After it released its hold on her, she shivered before she relaxed with a heavy sigh in her sleep. A few tears had escaped her closed lids as she curled in on herself. Esme slept slightly more peacefully for the rest of the morning, but still whimpered and shivered as she slept. Images of what she lost and couldn’t save still popping up behind her closed lids, but not as horrific as before. Esme slept through most of the morning, not knowing what she was going to wake up to. When she woke, it was mid to late morning, feeling groggy. She laid there thinking about what happened. The last thing she remembered was falling toward the hard tile floor. Then things went black before she could feel herself hit. She soon realized her surroundings had changed. She was in a clean room and was laying in a bed, but realized she wasn’t alone. Her eyes went wide as she soon realized she was lying on someone’s lap and they had a hand on her head. “What the hell!” she almost yelled as she bolted up and scrambled from the bed. Reaching behind her, she pulled her gun that remained tucked in the back of her pants after everything. She released the safety as she spun around to face the bed and who was on it, pointing the gun at them. Upon seeing Cason sitting on the bed, her shock turned to anger, causing her to grip her gun tightly and pull the trigger. The bullet hit its mark, right in Cason’s head. “You’ve got to be kidding me!” she said as she stared at him,. She backed away from the bed, anger still plastered on her face and a fire burning in her eyes from what she had woken up to. She brought up her left hand and pinched the bridge of her nose as she closed her eyes briefly and sighed, her gun still pointed at him. She was tempted to shoot him again as she stared at him. [i]Why the hell was he holding me like that?[/i] she asked herself. “Care to explain what I just woke up to!?” she demanded.