[center][img]https://img.wattpad.com/4f52639281d975e13d8a441a4e20a84e5993a99a/68747470733a2f2f73332e616d617a6f6e6177732e636f6d2f776174747061642d6d656469612d736572766963652f53746f7279496d6167652f4c636c59756b517573455a5573673d3d2d3633323730373138332e313535353838643139366461323063643338343334333232373534372e676966[/img][img]https://64.media.tumblr.com/c24e3e3be919ebe74345a079401333dc/f32b78bd0073b09e-f5/s400x600/c3943c6b1077de9a6dce53cb6850a38d7c262390.gif[/img] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210623/62c327513d064d6f8b4112c79ccd7024.png[/img] [hr][hr] Big Rey Gonzalez had just passed his sixtieth birthday and age had seemingly transformed him into an introspective man. Definitely in the last few months he had found himself drifting further into the warm embrace of nostalgia. The Southside Serpents we’re not his legacy despite what people may think. The Triple S was formed by his father Gory when he had gotten back from the Vietnam war. Along with some like minded forgotten sons, they were men who did not recognise the “home” they had returned to. They found a home on the road and riding their bikes. Outlaws yes but a makeshift family there had never been one closer. Whatever the Serpents were now, they were Gory’s legacy. He would be remiss not to wonder if his own father thought of him and his younger brother Pedro like Rey did his own children, Reynaldo Junior, Aleyda and Mikhael? Big Rey considered them [i]his[/i] legacy, not the club. In some ways, he was jealous of his younger brother for escaping. His memory may have been fading but he still remembered the day that Pedro announced that he was moving back to Mexico with his mother. She had offered Gory an ultimatum; get out of the game or she was getting out of his life. Needless to say, by that point Gory Gonzalez did not bleed red anymore, he bled green. God, Rey was so proud of his little hermano, Pedro then. The way he stood up to the man even being as young as he was at sixteen. He wished that he had that kind of courage. Even though their paths diverged, Rey never lost touch with Pedro. He was now the owner of a nice restaurant, married to a gorgeous wife and had a son named Enrique that was making waves in the music scene. Whatever pain Reynaldo had suffered, he considered it worth it for Pedro and his family to lead a blessed life. Far from blessed was his own family, cursed like most who dwell within the cobbled streets of Edenridge and it’s deeply fractured south side. His natural born son, ReyRey as most know him, was a loose cannon in every sense of the word and he held more power in his hand than just a gun. Aleyda had been through such troubles in her young life, more than any young woman should. Poor Mika, Big Rey took him in to protect him but was he a failure at that too? One wondered. [color=C8A15D]”You ok Pop? I got your message”[/color] Emerging into his fathers beautifully maintained garden, ReyRey scanned the area quickly, as if looking for threats before taking a seat opposite his old man at the family picnic table. [color=C8A15D]”Mom not here?”[/color] The hulking elder man shook his head. [color=D8B600]”She’s with your sister at her place. Something about a cake, I don’t know”[/color] He took a sip from his coffee, a roast lovingly prepared by his friend Beau and dropped off by Sly. [color=D8B600]”That’s a nasty wound, kid. You get that doing the Lucha mask gimmick?”[/color] He let out a slight chuckle, his baby boy did love the theatrics of the business. Sighing through his nose, following his laugh, Big Rey glanced down at a pile of papers that lay in front of him before sliding them towards his son. [color=D8B600]”I won’t take up too much of your time mijo but we got some problems that you need to know about”[/color] ReyRey began reading the pages that his senior had slipped to him before letting them slip from his fingers and back into the table in a breeze of lackadaisy. [color=C8A15D]”Why does this matter? Everyone in town has been getting these letters. It’s just some creepy fuck looking for a rise”[/color] [color=D8B600]”Maybe; but just maybe they know the truth about what happened that night. You might want to think about that and act accordingly, ReyRey. That one is on you”[/color] R2 hissed through his teeth. It was five years ago and this was still hanging over his head like a guillotine over a war criminal. He had to think deep on this. He looked back to his father as he began to fiddle with the gold chain around his neck, a nervous habit of his. The chain was a gift from Aleyda, a birthday present for her big brother when she realised that he liked his bling more than his Dunkin’ Doughnuts. [color=C8A15D]”You said problems, what else you got Pop?”[/color] [color=D8B600]”I heard a rumour, we may get a visitor soon. A real heavy player from Baltimore, goes by Soulman. You heard of him?”[/color] When his son shook his head, Big Rey continued. [color=D8B600]”Treyvon Marcus; a nasty asesino. Apparently deep into that voodoo shit. I’ve done a few deals with him in the past before he got locked up. He’s got a kid who just got signed for the Patriots, so there’s talk of him coming here for obvious reasons. Keep your ears to the ground, mijo. He’s a worker but one devious motherfucker”[/color] A dim light switched on inside ReyRey’s brain. He began to somewhat remember the name of Soulman. He remembers a story that Mikhail once told him of a player who was so savage and efficient that even the [i]Nation[/i] was scared to take him down. A soul taker. [color=C8A15D]”Anything else?”[/color] [color=D8B600]”Diablo Hermosa”[/color] Rey stated in quote possibly the most blunt fashion possible. [color=D8B600]”He’s getting out. It’s likely he’ll be back in town by month's end. Do not touch him, Reynaldo. You hear me boy?”[/color] He did not want to say these words. We’re it up to him, the subject of this conversation would be dead and buried and forgotten but such was life and the way the Lord wills it. Monsters are fearsome and strong. This monster had protection. [color=C8A15D]”I can’t promise that. He hurt the [i]familia[/i]. He deserves death”[/color] [color=D8B700]“He does but taking him out will cause too many issues, mijo. You’re playing football, Reynaldo. This is a chess game, patience is a virtue and a skill”[/color] Father and son looked at each other for a minute in silence. Tension and rage whirled around them like a tsunami of machismo. This was no surprise. ReyRey was his fathers son but he did not hold his fathers cool temperament. He was a being of pure and unbridled passion and rage. [color=C8A15D]”If I see him in the street, he’ll die in the street like the vermin he is”[/color] He spat out into the floor and immediately regretted considering how much time his mother spent on her garden. He locked eyes with his father and the two men sat in a silence and understanding that was just so thick. [color=D8B700]”The world is yours, mijo. Just don’t let it eat you alive”[/color][/center]