[Center][img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/628604259478536196/857500888791515176/mkujnyhbtgvrfcd.png[/img] [color=DEBA42]LOCATION:[/color]The Maw - The Depths [color=DEBA42]WORD COUNT:[/color]747(+1 EXP) [color=DEBA42]MENTIONS:[/color] Command Center Group [/Center] [hr] [color=DEBA42]"Oh yeah, positive!"[/color] Mirage responded to Jr with optimism, continuing to try and attach the wiring. [color=DEBA42]"Not much else I can try, and if this thing can control some of the machinery around here, we might not even have to go down! Then Blazermate wouldn't even hafta' worry about the water!"[/color] Jr's uncertainty was followed by Geralt's, Mirage starting to get nervous with all this negativity. [color=DEBA42]"You keep being like that and you'll jinx it, Geralt!"[/color] He responded to the swordsman's pessimism, wanting to prove him wrong. Which only increased with the positive backing of Cadet, which Mirage grinned at. [color=DEBA42]"If it starts trying to electrocute my brain I'll just, uh, scream. Screaming is the signal for help."[/color] A slight uncertainty came over him now, but he shook it off, not wanting to jinx it himself. Looking up at the headcase yielded positive enough results: This seemed to be common enough tech to have the instructions imprinted on the inside of the gear. Just a flip of a switch, and hear a kid throwing a fit... Throwing a fit? His gaze turned towards Sakura, not exactly sure of what to do for her. She seemed really beat up over Carl, and Mirage wasn't comfortable with it either, but he tried to shoot her a few words. [color=DEBA42]"Hey. It's not your fault Carl did that. Machines bug out, or have errors. Nothing we could've done or caused."[/color] That Gleam keeping him oblivious probably did a pretty bad job at making that sound sensitive or caring, but as far as he saw it there wasn't any tomfoolery on their end that'd of harmed him. He chose to get back to work, distracting himself from the unfortunate situation by trying to get into the headcase. He found himself to be a little short, attempting to hop up like he'd lock in place or something, but no dice. That was when Nadia spoke up, and said she had a solution. Taking a look, he watched her empty a box of some sort and bring it over, causing him to smile. [color=DEBA42]"Thank [i]mew![/i]"[/color] He said cheerily, accepting the platform and using it to gain the height he needed to get inside the headcase, which was actually pretty comfortable. It sucked he had to stand up, though. He was already feeling weak and a bit unsteady, but he stayed strong to see what he could yield out of this venture. An audio notification gave him a positive surprise. [color=DEBA42]"Oh yeah, I'm in!"[/color] He cheered, not exactly sure what it meant yet, until the feed came on. It felt like he was looking through his own eyes, yet at the same time, a few shortcomings in the tech made the illusion a little less comfort for his brain. [i][color=DEBA42]Where are my arms-- Oh![/color][/i] To his surprise two metal arms appeared, with pincer hands. He messed with the system for a few minutes, teaching it to pinch to a rhythm for his amusement, but it wasn't that useful. [color=DEBA42]"What the heck can this thing do?"[/color] He spoke, mostly to himself to verbalize his thoughts. It responded to these thoughts, and he began reading the text on his screen, an amused look on his face. [color=DEBA42]"Universal Helper Three, Designation: BULL. Submersible unit equipped with omni-directional arms with superhuman precision, runs on a vortex motor... Whatever the hell a vortex motor is."[/color] Mirage wasn't aware of what room he was in, right away. So he was very optimistic about the machine. [color=DEBA42]"This thing's great! I think I can go underwater with it!"[/color] He raised his arms victoriously, but this had the unfortunate effect of also causing the BULL to raise it's arms, a loud thud against one of the walls outside the room startling Mirage. [color=DEBA42]"Jeez, th-that sounded really close! Are we being attacked?!"[/color] a shifted view was enough to see that it was the BULL that damaged the wall. [color=DEBA42]"Ahah, nevermind, that was me."[/color] He was embarrassed, but a small laugh he offered quickly stopped as he pieced things together. He scanned the room he was in, recognizing his sling on a nearby lever, and all of his optimism died. [color=DEBA42]"Oh... Oh, man..."[/color] He didn't feel good about this suddenly, but this was possibly their best bet for getting underwater safely. With hesitation in his voice, he decided to try and get it moving. He didn't want to speak to the others and really be clear on the robotic unit he was operating. [color=DEBA42]"... Activating Vortex Motor. Time to see if it can move itself."[/color] Although there was some whirring outside the room, the machine didn't move. Clearly now, Mirage realized it was purely a sea vessel, instead of multi-purpose. Though that raised the question of how, exactly, it could get to the water. [color=DEBA42]"Alright, well, it can't move. At least out of water."[/color] He concluded to the others, scanning for a way to get it sea-bound. After a moment of silence with him scanning, he came to a conclusion after looking about, realizing he was sitting on a conveyor. With the power flowing, that'd possibly serve as a great transport to the water! [color=DEBA42]"I need some help. Any of you wanna go back into the hall and see if you can get the conveyor working? Might help get us closer to the water."[/color] Hopefully, at least.