Once again, their little composite team had made a tactical error through lack of communication. In the chaos, they’d left the probable target of this ambush alone and unprotected, and now they were under threat. [i]I should’ve left her my pistol at least! What a fucking mess.[/i] 595 thought to herself as she sprinted the short distance back towards the upturned car. Her shield had taken a couple of hits, but otherwise she was in fighting shape. As she got closer, 595 could see a struggle unfolding in the middle of the vehicle. Dr Girard was crawling towards the lobby door, and Freyr was being dragged towards the street door. 595 could see she was holding onto one of the seats for dear life, so entered the fray at top speed. [hr] The Agent’s distraction worked. Both of the soldiers accompanying the Builder turned to confront the surprise rush of robots from behind. They fired full-power into the throng, shredding one of the diplomatic droids. The others remained operational though - while not outfitted for combat, these machines were built to last. The small floating maintenance drones crashed into each soldier at speed, putting them off balance. The Builder remained entirely focused on Vreta from behind cover, trusting the troops to hold other threats at bay. It was becoming clear to them that the Rothian was too quick to be crushed, so they changed tack. The Builder held up one finger on their haloed hand and twirled it around a few times. A large whirlpool opened up immediately underneath Vreta’s feet, with the floor material taking on a sticky liquid form. Mid-stride, the big lizard promptly sank beneath the surface. The Builder clenched their command fist, and the surface solidified again. There was a gigantic crash as one of the other CraSec armoured cars reversed through the glass-mesh near the corner of the lobby. Two of the ambushers clung to the sides, and another one flew off of the roof as it crashed into a pillar. The Builder turned to investigate the commotion, and found a CraSec Major standing directly in front of them. Osman turned around the side of the artificial wall and smacked the Builder in the face with the butt of her gun. They overbalanced, caught completely off-guard. Osman levelled her rifle at them and started firing point blank, but was shoulder-barged into the wall cover by an attendant soldier before she could break through their shield. A diplomatic droid and maintenance drone swiftly followed, battering the soldier with bumpers and fists.